Chapter 7

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That night the Verma family returned.from the party with a disturbed mind, archana wanted to stay for vaidehi that night but vaidehi refused as she is habitual of dealing with her pain alone 

    Vishal was furious on mala and her family he never expected that yash solanki could act like this. He was pacing in the living room and his mother was just observing him, she was scared to   the outburst of Vishal so she decided to calm him down first 

"  Vishal forget whatever happened? Those thapars were expecting a family like solankis " 
So it is well and good for them and for us too"

"No mom it's not about megha getting engaged to varun it's more about how my in law's and especially my wife showed me my status 
Mala loves to tarnish my image , I know that , but I never expected such  ."

"Vishal leave it son " uma held his hand and patted his back 

  "  I am sorry mom, I am not a good son neither a good brother I couldn't even get my sister the man of her choice. I am such a failure in life maa. Dad will be disappointed with me "

    Uma devi gulped her tears listening to his words and tried to console him 

"No it's not that Vishal and trust me your dad must be very proud of you. How you are managing  this house alone and don't worry about vaidehi as whatever is happened is happened for good for all of us "

Vishal gaped at his mother on which uma devi added

"Suppose we have managed to agree on their demands and marry vaidehi still there was high chances  that vaidehi could get respect in their house or may be they would demand more things in future so it's better that they chose solankis who are capable in fulfill their demands all their life , the thapars are not decent family  the are more greedy type of people "

 Vishal gave a nod at her and then  left for his the room 

 Vaidehi heard to the conversation and was irregular to see his brother so shattered she left for her room and sobbed hard hugging her pillow .A clicking sound made her alert she wipe the tears and act to sleep 

 Uma reached to her side and saw the tear stain on her face , she stroke her soft hairs and whispered 

"I know you are in pain vaidehi , but  don't you worry ,I strongly believe in destiny and I know that you will get someone who will took away all your pain and will fill your life with happiness . Now try to get some sleep dear "

 She placed a kiss on her forehead and left the room with weak steps

In solanki villa 

 Yash solanki was pacing in the lavish living room of the house megha was sitting on a sofa fighting with her engagement ring

Whereas mala and malti were trying to figure out what is coming next for them 

 "So tell me one thing mala when you know that thapar approached your family first  for vaidehi's  proposal ,than why the hell you didn't tell us ?

 Mala was already nervous after vishal's outburst got more terrified by her dad's  hard tone , she looked at her mother , who blinked her eyes in assurance and answered 

 "She told me about I dont understand how does it matter now?   . It was Vishal who refused the proposal ,later megha and varun liked each other ,they are happy ,we are happy what else do you want ?"

"You foolish woman you are saying this because you didn't witness the rage in vishal's eyes the way he left the party in anger .I am now scared that in the process of marrying our younger daughter we put our elder daughter 's marriage in danger "

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