The tribe

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You know what I mean if you've seen the splatoon 3 artbook, and you'll understand later

Disclaimer (all the agents are males, don't hate me I still love the female ones, but the male agents are underrated and it's my story, but you can see them however you want)


"Callie, do you have the zapfish yet!?" Marie shouted

"Yea, yea I've got it, took me a while though, who even uses these anymore?" She asked looking at the tiny fish in her hands

"Gramps would know, but I'm not sure where he is right now." Marie said

"Well let's see if it works." She said, as she slid the tiny zapfish into the battery slot

She closed it up, and put her finger on the button that would activate the radio

"Moment of truth" she thought

She pushed the button, and once again

All they heard was static, but this was good, because now they knew it was on, and could re-contact 3.

"It works, it works!" Callie said as she jumped with excitement

"Hold on callie we need to see if there's any way way we can be able to talk to 3" Marie said, putting a hand on her cousins shoulder

And they waited for a minute, and another, and another, and another

"Damn it, this thing we won't work, its been nothing but static for 3 minutes!" Callie said

"Calm down callie, it must be because 3s radio is dead, and I think we didn't have any zapfish in alterna" Marie assured her

"CALM DOWN!? Marie if there aren't any zapfish in Alterna then there is absolutely NO WAY we can ever talk to 3!" She wailed

"Well yes you're right but-

"And If we can't contact him, that means he won't know where to go! And we won't know where he is, and we can't go down there and look for him with the helicopter, and if we can't do that, he'll be stuck down there forever, with no way out, and he'll die and it'll be all our fault!" She said 

"Callie, I know your worried but try to breath okay, having a heart attack isn't going to help us get agent 3 back." Marie said calmly, putting her hand on her distressed cousins shoulder

"Yea, I guess your right." Callie sighed

"Ok now that She's ok, we NEED to come up with an idea, we can't just drive the helicopter down there, so what else can we do?" Marie pondered

"More importantly, how will we know where he is?, if we even want this to work were gonna have to track him down somehow."  captain said

"Yea but how are we gonna do that, the heli can't go that far down!?" Callie Interrupted

The team sat there in though for a moment the three not really knowing what to do, until

"I GOT IT, I GOT IT!!" Callie shrieked

"Wait what you do?!, what is it!?" Marie asked eagerly

"What if, we let captain, 8, and 4 come and help search for him, there are 6 islands, so we could ask deep cut to help too, them being a trio and all, so them helping would cover all the islands, of course 1 of us might accompany them, once we find him, the person who does can send him up to the happiness research lab tower, and give the O.K to off the hook, who will be up in the crater with the plane!" Callie rambled

"OH MY GOD CALLIE YOUR A GENIUS THATS GREAT, how did we not think of that before?" Marie paused

"I don't know, plot convince?" Callie shrugged



Arsonist: does it have to do with 3?

BombBlushBitch: Yea it does, but it's important too

ShiverMeTimbers: ok what is it then

MonsterEnergy_can: So when we tried to tell agent 3 about our plan, the radios both went dead, we recharged ours, but 3 doesn't have any zapfish in Alterna so he can't really use his radio anymore and his cut off before we could tell him where to go, so he has no idea. 

BombBlushBitch: so we made a new plan to have the agents (Captain included) to go to each of the islands and scout him out, since there's six of them, we need to ask deep cut for their help to cover the other three, and the person who does find him, will take him to the top of the happiness research lab (with everyone else), and give Pearl and the O.K on a walkie talkie, which will let them know to come down with the heli (they'll be waiting on the curator.

MonsterEnergy_can: so Deep cut, do you wanna help us or not it's fine if you don't

Feelthe_eelMotherfucker: of course we will, I don't really know agent 3 but he seems cool so sure!

ShivermeTimbers: Yea me too

ManBig: me three

BombBlushBitch: ok so do we have a new, plan, captains asking the agents right now, so I'm not sure what we're gonna do if they say no.

ArsonistGirlfriend: Yea, that sounds good! 

MonsterEnergy_can: ok that's good


In the "Oh no, A group of 🌈QUEERS😲" Group chat

YouranAdult_now: = captain 3

DieOctoDie: = agent 8 (idk this was the best I could think of)

Ipad_kid: = Agent 4


YouranAdult_now: ok, so, I have to tell you guys something important

DieOctoDie: Yea what is it

YouranAdult_now: so you know agent 3?

iPad_kid: yea?

YouranAdult_now: so Alternate been having bad earthquakes recently, and one of them happened and it was really bad, and we escaped, but Agent 3 was still doing a level and by the time he got out it was too late and the only exit was blocked, and he was stuck there, luckily he wasn't hurt tho, and we managed to call him on a radio we had, and we made a plan with off the hook to help him, bit when the squid sisters tried to call him, his radio died and he can't contact us anymore so he has no idea what the plan is, so we came up with we can drop you, me, and deep cut off at each of the six islands, you'll look for him there and the person who does find him will tell the rest of us and go to the big tower on the sixth island, and wait for pearl and Marina to come in with the Heli. But I wanted to make sure it was okay to ask you guys for heno.

Ipad_kid: jesus Christ

YouranAdult_now: so your gonna help or no?

DieOctoDie: well when you put it like that we really can't say no.

YouranAdult_now: so that's a yes!

Ipad_kid: duh agent 3s cool, and hes also gonna die if we don't help so I'm in!

DieOctoDie: yea me too! Judging by the way captain talks about him, it seems like your care about him a lot, so I'm with four

YouranAdult_now: ok good, meet us in that secret 2nd upper room in the Lobby tomorrow, also four change the chat name that's weird

Ipad_kid: no, besides Im not wrong am I😒

DieOctoDie: Yea, I like it :)

YouranAdult_now: Eight do not encourage him.

Ipad_kid: well I'm not changing the name😋

System: Ipad_kid, has left the chatroom

YouranAdult_now: ...

System: DieOctoDie has left the chat room

YouranAdult_now: oh fuck you guys.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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