Collapsion Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Y/N has hemopneumothorax."

"So I was right." Ducky interrupted.

"Yes, the wound wasn't severe-"

"Wasn't severe?! They collapsed!" This time Ziva interrupted.

"Let the doctor finish." Gibbs put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"There was no tissue damaged, so we did a thoracostomy, which is an insertion of a chest tube into the pleural cavity, to drain the blood and air, but they still lost a lot of blood, I think they have been bleeding out internally for hours. We are going to admit them and continue to monitor them."

"Thanks, doc," Gibbs said.

"Can I see them?" Ziva asked.

"Sure but they're on pain meds and not very responsive right now, so one person at a time to keep down the stress load."

Ziva looked at Gibbs with desperation in her eyes.

He knew the two of you were together and understood Ziva's protectiveness over you.

"Go," He nodded his head at Ziva.


The doctors had moved you to an inpatient room.

As Ziva hesitantly walked in, she saw the monitors and tubes you're attached to.

"Hi, my love," Ziva said softly as she got to the side of your bed. "You got me so worried."

You smiled sheepishly back at her. "I'm fine."

"No, you're not fine. You collapsed in the office." Ziva scolded.

"I did, didn't I?" You replied, definitely high on pain meds.

Ziva laughed but quickly changed her expression back to worry mode.

"Seriously, what happened? It seems like nobody knows and you are just hiding away from us." The brunette pressed you for information.

"Nothing happened." You answered still loopy. "The guy just punched me. Nothing I can't take."

"The guy? The suspect? He landed you in the hospital? Oh, I'm gonna kill him."  Stood to walk out the door.

Before she could move away, you grabbed her hand, "No, don't. Stay."

Ziva moved back to the side of your bed, there was a moment of awkward silence.

"I thought I was going to lose you," she said in a quiet voice, tears brimming in her eyes.

Ziva was not one to catastrophize but this time she did. This is when you realized how much you hurt your partner.

"I'm sorry I hurt you... I didn't mean to..." 

The two of you sat in the middle of the four bleach-white walls talking lovey-doveily.


"How are they?" Abby being her over-worrying self asked.

"They're fine," Ziva answered as she slumped down on a chair between Gibbs and Abby.

"Do you know what happened?" Ducky asked, still trying to figure out what led to the collapsion.

"Apparently, the suspect punched them on the right side." Ziva stood back up to get something from the vending machine.

"That makes sense, the suspect was a football player, right?" Ducky rationalized. "His punches were probably pretty strong, that must have caused a broken rib. And they were wearing a binder when we took her clothes off to check for wounds. That would worsen the situation. I hope that Y/N feels better by now."

"Thanks, Duck. I'm gonna go back in there." The brunette said as she grabbed her granola bars.


"Hi, I came back with food." Ziva greeted you as she walked in, she had the audacity to tease you with food.

"Can I have some?"

"No, I don't think so... The doctor said no food."

You gave your best pout to Ziva.

"You're so cute when you do that." She laughed.

You shifted on your bed to let Ziva sit on it.

"So," the brunette started, she decided there was no good way to start this conversation. "I talked to Ducky, and he said it must've been very painful for you to let it get this bad," she said as she wrapped her arm around your neck.

You looked at her with an annoyed expression on your face.

"Don't look at me like that. You know it's true."

"Fine. It was." You admitted.

"He said wearing the binder made the situation worse-"

Before she could lecture you, you tried to explain, "I didn't think much about it, I thought I could just ignore the pain."

"Don't ever ignore your symptoms ever again, you hear me?" She accepted your explanation.

"Ok..." You gave a small smile.

"Ok. I love you, Y/N, I don't ever want to lose you." Ziva looked into your eyes with her pleading eyes.

"I love you too Ziva," You moved to hug her despite the motion hurting you.



Idk medical stuff... (I just watch a lot of Grey's Anatomy...)

Idk how to end the story


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