The rest of the ride to school was quiet. This was my senior year of high school thankfully. I will not have to deal with the torture of these students much longer.

Once the bus arrived at school, I made sure everyone was out before quickly making my departure and walking into the school. Going to my locker, I put my combination in and opened it up. Putting my book bag in there and grabbing the books I needed for first block. We were not allowed to carry book bags around. Closing the locker, I walked over to my first class, History, and sitting down in the back like I usually do.

Setting my stuff on my desk, I looked at the front of the room to see if the teacher had written what we were doing on the board today. Sadly, she did not.

The bell rang, with students still piling in the door. Once the last student came in, Ms. Rush closed the door.

"Hello students!" She greeted. And that class went by in a blur.

First and second block went by quickly and it was now lunch time.

Lunch time was my favorite time of day, even though I did not have the money to eat lunch, I was still able to relax in the library and enjoy reading as many books as I wanted.

I went to my locker and dropped off my books that I had. Making my way to the library, I was almost there when I got shoved to the ground. Looking up, I noticed it was Madison, Molly, and Rachel. Sighing I tried to get up but Molly put her foot on my back making it hard for me to get back up.

"Aww the poor baby cannot get up." Madison said, laughing. A group has already formed around us waiting to see what happens next. Molly putting more and more pressure on my back, making me wince. She was on some of the spots where I got shocked and it really hurt.

Molly being the physical one of the group did not have an issue bending down and grabbing me by my throat and pulling me up to a sitting position and tossed me into the lockers. Trying to block her hits that came afterwards did not do much good, she would just laugh at me.

Grabbing my arms, she pulled me up to where I was standing. "Madison, get her arms for me." Molly said, her twin quickly doing what she said and pulling my arms behind me and tightening her hold. Rachel just watching the whole thing go down and laughing with the crowd.

Once Madison had her grip on me, that's when Molly gave me no mercy and beat me up black and blue. Face and all. After she got tired of hitting me, she told Madison to let me go and tossed me to the ground.

"Aww are you hurt?" Rachel asked, bending down in my face. "Too bad," and she spit in my face and her and the two other girls left after Molly kicked me in the side for the last time.

The group of people quickly disappearing afterwards.

Sitting up the best I could, I sat in front of some lockers trying to catch my breath.

Finally regaining my breath, I got up and walked towards the bathroom. Going to the closet one to the library, I opened the door and was very happy to see that no one was in here. Wiping away the tear that was trying to escape, I walked over to the mirror to see the damage.

Busted lip, black eye forming, scratches and bruising all over. grabbing a paper towel, I wet it a bit and tried to be as gentle as I could and wiping away the blood, I had on me. Once that was done, I took my hair down from the bun I had it in, I brushed it out the best I could with my fingers. I would have to keep my hair down for the rest of the day so the teachers do not ask what happened. Nobody would care anyways and it would just get me in trouble. Doing one more look over at myself, I made sure that there was not any more blood on me. Once I was sure of it, I walked out of the bathroom.

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