Scene one:

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Chapter one, Auditioning for your love !Brookesworld96, hoyo

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Chapter one,
Auditioning for your love !
Brookesworld96, hoyo.

"I wanna be your favourite boy, i wanna be the one that makes your day."
-Best friend , Rex Orange County.

Normal = Whoever Y/N is talking to
Italic = Y/N talking

Normal = Whoever Y/N is talking toItalic = Y/N talking

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"Hello, class and good morning!"

A voice spoke loudly, as the figure entered the small crowded room. You sit anxiously as you look up towards the speaker, listening as Yunjin speaks. You were impatiently waiting for her to give news about auditions.

Auditions? For what? Heathers the musical, of course! A mix of classes had decided to do Heathers as the musical of choice. There would be two groups, group A was doing Grease and group B was doing Heathers.

Heathers was your favourite so considering the fact you had managed to successfully get into your musical of choice was amazing. Now you just have to get lead role as Veronica Sawyer.

"Auditions will start today after your last lesson.
Please do not be late, otherwise the
role you'd like may already be reserved."

An agonizing day had started coming to an end, you had been thinking about the audition non-stop and were super excited

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An agonizing day had started coming to an end, you had been thinking about the audition non-stop and were super excited. You, along with everyone else had been non-stop practicing. You were rather confident.

You had arrived outside of the mini-theatre, where auditions were held and patiently waited for the line to go on. Your blood had ran cold when it was your turn but you suck it up and go out towards the stage.

"And your name?"

"Y/N L/N."

"And whom you will be auditioning for?"

"Veronica Sawyer."

"You may begin."

And with the permission to begin, you had started singing the song you had been practicing with, 'Fight for me.'

"Alright, you may leave."

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

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"Holy shit."

It had been a few hours later and you were currently chilling in your dorm with your dorm-mate, Nilou. You and her had been friends for a few years at this point. You consider her a close friend but not as close of a friend as Scaramouche.

"And so i auditioned for Sandy!"

Nilou says, giving a small smile as she gently claps her hands together.

"Who knows, they might cast you as Frenchy with that hair colour!"

I joke as i gently move some of her hair out of her face to empathize on my point. The girl just let out a soft chuckle and shakes her head.

"Nooo, they love me too much. Maybe i'll get lead dancer though, that is where my talent lays."

"Heyy, don't say that, you're amazing at everything you do!"

You scold the girl in a teasing manner as you give a disapproving look. Its not that she had been looking down on herself, she was just underestimating her abilities.

"How did your audition go?"

"I think it went well! I sung Fight For Me and auditioned as Veronica Sawyer!"

Nilou gave a smile looked at you for a few moments.

"I think i heard Scaramouche had auditioned for Jason Dean, how crazy would it be if you two got paired up as the two main leads? Oh my gosh the tension. What about the dead girl walking scene!?"

"Why would i worry about that? Scaramouche and i are just friends, i'm sure it won't be awkward!"

You were positive it wouldn't be awkward. The most awkward thing had happened between the two of you already, and that was when you both had a quick peck on the lips, deciding you needed to practice for future reference. No clue what was going through your ten year old head at the time but it was definitely something. Each other's first kiss, basically.

"If you say so! When will casting be out?"

"I think its out next Monday? Such a long wait ughh."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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