Doppi: "I'm waiting for you outside your office."

Ver: "Oh. Why didn't you just come in? It would be easier." Ver said, surprised.

Doppio: "I thought I'll surprise you but you called me. So come out here."

Ver: "Alright, I'll be out now," Ver said before hanging up the phone

Ver then left his office and saw Doppio leaning against the wall, patiently waiting for him. Ver smiled and walked over to Doppio, who was happy that his boyfriend had finally finished his work. They held hands and walked back home together.

Ver: "Do you want to stay at my place tonight?" Ver asked.

Doppio: "Really?!? Of course I do"!! Doppio said excitedly

The next day, Ver and Doppio arrived at the warehouse while the other members were communicating and monitoring from an earpiece Ver and Doppio wore before they left the car they used to get there. By the looks of the condition of the warehouse, it was in a bad condition. Some parts of the warehouse had already fallen off.

Meloco: "Looks a bit haunted. Why would anyone be here in the first place?" Says Meloco
Doppio: "Looks shabby for me" Doppio replied
Hex: "Now that I think about it, for a place as haunted as this, shouldn't we just deploy Melo for the job"
Meloco: "Now you got a point" Meloco said while looking at Kotoka
Kotoka: "Shh!! I sent them on purpose. Besides you got more things to adore for your BL heart Melo"
Meloco: "True.. but if anything happens to them I'm getting out of this car"
Kotoka: "Do what you do Melo. Alright. Ver, Doppi, go in and see what's been making all the noises the past few weeks"
Ver & Doppio: "On it"

They then reached the entrance of the warehouse, slowly opening the door. "There should be a lightswitch somewhere" Ver thought. "Doppi, there should be a light switch around here, try and find it" Ver said. As they felt around the walls, Doppio found the power box and turned on some of the lights of the warehouse, sadly because some lights do not work anymore. "This should do the trick" Ver thought. Right when the lights turned on, they were shocked by how the warehouse looked. Some of the shelves used to hold the boxes are either broken in half, or just sideways. Some lights were hanging from their wires, and most of the old boxes were ripped open very badly.

Doppio: "Holy shit. This place is wrecked! Whatever is in here is definitely not human. Unless they have council commands like us" Doppio said

Meanwhile Ver had noticed something on the bars of the shelves. He decided to walk towards it. After taking a closer look, he realized that it was some sticky substance. "Weird.." he thought "I've never seen this kind of substance before.."

Ver: "What do y'all think this could be?" He asked the other members.
Kotoka: "Not like anything I've seen before. What is that kind of thing doing here?"
Hex: "Looks like alien goo or something"
Kotoka: "Seriously? An alien? Could you think of anything better?"
Meloco: "You know Ren-senpai exists" Melo replied

Suddenly a loud crash was heard across the room. Ver and Doppio ran towards where the sound was coming from. How shocked they were to see a giant slime-like alien monster just standing there.

*shit* both of them thought. As they were about to step back, the monster-like slime turned its back and noticed them. "Ah.. Glad to see my bait worked." The monster said in a deep tone.
"It can talk!?!?" Everyone thought.
"That's it, I'm going in there. Hex, Koto, you both can come along or stay here as backup. I have to go help them" Meloco commanded.
Meloco grabbed one of the earpieces and ran as fast as she could to the warehouse. Kotoka felt awful, mainly because she was the one who sent out both of them. But now the person she sent out was the reason why the monster was there in the first place.

Meanwhile with Ver and Doppio:
"What do you mean by "bait"?" Ver asked the monster. "HAHAHAHA!! WELL IF IT ISN'T THE VER VERMILLION!!" Ver is more shocked than he was before. How did it know his name? What does it want from him? "What do you want from me?! And how do you know my name?!" he asked. Doppio was very worried because his love of his life was a target of a monster. He looked like he was about to beat the hell out of that monster.

"Hmmm, I wonder.. What do I want? Well I'll answer that question. I want your SOUL Ver. The POWER it has is ENGAGING (lmao idk the word). IT WILL BE MINE!!" The monster then targeted Ver, which he dodged. Doppio charged in with a forward straight punch through the monster's stomach as he realized Ver is the target. The moment his fist touches the monster, his punch went past its body covering Doppio in its goo. "AHHHHHH" Doppio screams and shakes off the excess goo. "Doppi! Are you ok?!" Ver keeps dodging its attack. He is active in his council command and forms a dagger in his left hand. "Don't worry Kaichou! I'm fine." Doppio shakes his entire body like a labrador shakes its body for its bath.

The monster kept on targeting Ver, which the monster realized was useless since he kept dodging the attacks. From what the monster learned earlier, Doppio couldn't do much because he would just go through if he attacks, but it would affect Doppio if the monster attacked. That's why the monster decided to change its target, hoping Ver would shield Doppio so he could manage to capture him.

"DOPPI LOOK OUT!!" Ver yelled.

As expected, he shielded him. Without hesitation, the monster grabbed Ver right in front of Doppio. "KAICHOU!!" Doppio yelled. The monster stabbed its goo right into Ver's chest, slowly absorbing his soul. It hurts for Ver as his life was slowly being taken away from him. Doppio had a terrified face in his eyes. Tears are starting to fall out because he knew deep well, he couldn't do anything to stop this. He couldn't attack, he couldn't even touch that monster. He could only watch as his boyfriend was slowly getting killed. The screams from Ver's mouth made him want to cry even more. The monster has finally finished taking Ver' soul, as Ver is now lifeless, not moving a single muscle, nor is he breathing at all. The monster dropped Ver to the ground and ran away for victory, as Ver just lay there. He's dead. Although Doppio tried to go after the monster to stop it from running away, he was to late. The monster had already gone far. He went back to Ver's lifeless body, yelling out his name hoping he would wake up.

At the same time, Meloco and the others came in. They were too late as they just see their president, lifeless in Doppio's arm while Doppio was crying hugging him tight. They all stood there crying. Kotoka droped down to her knee while sobbing because she felt really awful for what happend. They lost their presdient. No. They lost their friend.

Hi everyone!! TYSM for reading my first ever fan fic!! I'm sorry if this was short, but I promise you the next part will be very interesting!! Although I might post it after I write this message :'D

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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