Live Taken Away

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It was another ordinary day at the Xsoleil Institute student council office for Ver. Paperwork, meetings, missions, all the student council stuff. Ver probably had more work to do than the others, as president of course. He needed to take all his responsibilities well for the greater good of the student council.

When he was doing some paperwork one day, he received a call from none other than the student council vice president Kotoka Torahime, who deals with receiving commissions and giving out missions to the council members most of the time. Sure she does do missions too. He wondered why she called him at this time of the hour. It was 4 pm already. He didn't wonder much, so he just picked up the phone.

Ver continued to press his phone on his ear

Ver: "Good evening Koto-chan. Is there anything I can help with?"

Kotoka: "Kaichou, there has been something suspicious lurking around in that old warehouse that used to be a facility, we don't know who or what it is yet though. Would you mind checking it out?"

Ver: "Something suspicious?" Ver wonders

Kotoka: "Yeaaa. Some locals that live near the area said that they heard weird noises in the warehouse at night. They thought it might be some rats running around but the sounds made are way louder than a rat could make, so they thought it was just some kids doing weird things at night. They weren't sure though" Kotoka explained.

Ver: "Can't the others do it though?"

Kotoka: "Awww cmon now mr. President, I've explained it to you long enough already. And besides, you haven't gone on a mission in a while. Why not now?"

Ver: "And why should I go because of that?" Ver replied in a slightly annoyed tone

Kotoka: "You know.. Doppi is going to"

Ver: "..."

Kotoka: "Sooo, what do you say?" Kotoka said while smirking

Ver: " *sigh* Fine I'll go"

Kotoka: "Oh wow!! Looks like someone wants to go right AFTER I said the name of the Duke of Discipline hmm" Kotoka said in a sassy tone.

Ver: "Shut up or I will reconsider being in this mission"

Kotoka: "Fine, fine. But you know which warehouse I'm talking about right?"

Ver: "Yes, yes I know"

Kotoka: "Yay!! I knew you would go!! Well thank you for your cooperation kaichouu"

Kotoka hung up even before Ver could say anything. He just sighed and continued his work. He wondered though. What did Koto mean when she said "who or what"? What was a human/non-human being lurking around in a warehouse that almost everyone forgot about? Whatever the reason is, I hope it's not anything bad.

After finishing his work, he decided to call Doppio to talk about the mission. Now you may wonder, why did Ver insist on going right until Kotoka mentioned Doppio's name? Well to put it short, they've been dating for the past few months already. So obviously Kotoka knew how to get Ver to go on a mission. Ver scrolled down to his contacts and found Doppio's number. He then pressed the call button hoping that Doppio would pick up. Not even 10 seconds later, Doppio picked up.

Doppio: "Kaichou!! Is there anything I can help you with?" Doppio said after picking up the phone

Ver: "The mission Doppi. Say, did Kotoka tell you when we are supposed to head to the spot? Because she didn't tell me."

Doppi: "Oh, yeah! She told me. She said we are supposed to go to the spot tomorrow night."
Ver: "Very well then. Thank you for the information Doppi." Ver said, thanking him.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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