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80% of the world's population had a quirk and the remaining 20% remained quirkless

All For One had been born in a times when many where still quirkless and now that the number of quirkless people decreased, he became curious

He had given quirks to the quirkless before however he wondered how many quirks could a quirkless hold and use before becoming a mindless nomu

Maybe make a Nomu from a living and breathing person instead of a corpse reanimated

Kurogiri was a sentient Nomu however he wondered if he could make one with more sentience. One that could grow and act on its own. Maybe make a playmate for young Tomura

Of course it was just an experiment. And so he told the doctor. The doctor had the perfect subject in mind

It was a child that he had diagnosed quirkless a few years ago. The child only had one parent currently in the picture. The boy was often bullied at school for his quirklessness and so he decided the child would be the perfect test subject

And so on one spring day, a boy of eight years old goes missing. His bright smile that always seemed to rival the sun was gone

His mother searched high and low with all the help she could find but to no avail. It was as though the boy had disappeared off into thin air

Gone from the world was Midoriya Izuku

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