chapter three

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Was Eddie purposely killing time so he could get that ride from Harrington? That really was no one's business other than his own, but yes. Yes he was killing time.

He did run into Nancy and Jonathan, who had the same idea of him getting that ride. If he had to say he had a wingman it would be the both of them now because they were both so very supportive of him getting with Steve. Well, Nancy was, Jonathan's support was a new development which he hoped to get the chance to talk with the guy more about it. They kept saying how the guy deserved something good, not that Eddie ever thought he would actually be that for Steve but he'd take his chances. Though Nancy was very adamant about them working out, the metalhead never would understand why she was so sure since Eddie was almost positive Steve was straight. 

That was a lie. He knew it was.

A few months ago when he was hanging out with Nancy and somehow convinced her to take a hit from his joint she let it slip that Steve had been struggling lately with finding himself. When Eddie asked for clarification she straight up told him that the brunette was battling with his sexuality and came to the conclusion he was bisexual. Now as much as Eddie wanted to rejoice at this news, it didn't mean he even had a shot. Maybe there was somebody else, or no one at all. He didn't want to get his hopes up.

God he wanted to have a shot in hell with Steve Harrington. He wanted to be the one that had that pretty boy jock questioning his sexuality. He wanted to be the reason for so much that it kept him up at night when he wasn't plagued by nightmares. Which was about almost every night really. So yes, maybe with the knowledge of knowing that Harrington was bisexual is the reason he was being more flirty than usual but he couldn't help it, the guy's reactions were amazing.

Eddie couldn't help amping up his flirtatious behavior, especially if it got that pretty red to tint up those cheeks. The guy was practically stumbling over his words earlier. It was cute, but maybe he was just flustered because he wasn't sure how to respond to all of Eddie's flirting advances. That had to be it. There's no way Steve liked him. HIM. Of all people, no way would Steve "The Hair" Harrington ever like him. Despite what they've been through, it didn't make sense. He was out of his league, nothing like the types of chicks the other brunette dated or hooked up with. 

Eddie didn't stand a chance in hell, but that wouldn’t stop him from flirting. He could torment himself with getting the younger man flustered and deal with his aching heart when he was alone in his room with a bag of weed.

'Very healthy coping mechanism there, Munson. Starting to sound like your druggie parents buddy.'

Eddie groaned a little too loudly, catching some teens staring at him confused then fear realizing who he was and quickly ran. Great . On top of his disaster of a love life he still had to deal with that . Maybe he shouldn't hang around. Maybe he should just go to Henderson's and catch a ride from the kids' mom. He glanced at his watch anyways, surveying if he could handle being in this mall long enough until Steve was off.

He had roughly another hour. Holy fuck, did he really spend that much time talking with Wheeler and Byers? Maybe he could chance this. What's another hour of stares and whispers if it meant he got a ride from the King of Hawkins High. He could do this. Fuck yeah he could totally do this.

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Steve felt stupid for constantly checking his watch. It wasn't a date or anything, he was just giving the guy a ride home so why was his stomach doing flips and fluttering like they were going on a date. Fuuuuuuck. This shouldn't be so complicated. Why? Fuck.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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