Now Steve wasn't easily flustered but there was just something about Eddie and the way he spoke that had his brain short circuit every time he opened his mouth. So of course he stuttered over his words before clearing his throat and leaning in. "Well not sure, the USS Butterscotch has always been a customer favorite. You can try your luck with that."

The metalhead laughed softly, his smile growing. "No personal faves, eh Stevie?"

"U-uh well, strawberry is always a good choice I guess. Or um mint chocolate chip if you want more flavor." Steve shuffled on his feet rubbing the back of his neck.

A chuckle left Eddie, his eyes brightening with mischief. "More flavor huh? Well, how could I miss such an opportunity of that. One scoop of the mint then, big boy."

Steve hesitated after Eddie gave his order, eyes widening seconds after as he let out a cough, moving quickly to get the ice cream ready. "Right sure yeah, um one second then let me just get that for you."

"Thanks doll~" Eddie winked, turning back to the others.

Robbin beamed at the metalhead again. "You're coming over to Steve's tomorrow, right?"

That took him by surprise, this is the first he's heard of anything regarding a get together. "Um, is there something going on that I'm supposed to know about?" He asks, looking between Wheeler and Byers.

Nancy gasped, lightly smacking her own forehead. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry Eds, I forgot to mention it to you last night. Steve's hosting a pool party for Will, kind of like a late birthday of sorts. He wanted a birthday party in the summer and Joyce loved the idea so tada, a pool party." She trailed off with a soft laugh at her own forgetfulness.

It has been really hot lately so it would be nice to get out of his place and keep his mind occupied and distracted. Though the idea of getting to see Steve in swim trunks was absolutely tempting to Eddie. Yes, he probably should go out but he was still unsure about being around everyone. He felt distant, like he didn't really belong in their friend group no matter how much he wanted to fit in. They all have a stronger bound than he does with any of them, or at least that’s what he keeps telling himself. However, he supposed he could spend tonight thinking up a new campaign to surprise the kids with. They’d like that.

"Please Eddie, you have to come, we miss your glorious presence. There will be booze for us big kids." Robin was trying to sweeten him up to cave in and agree to go.

"Argyle is visiting from Cali, he's brought some stuff. Supposed to be really good shit too." As if on cue, Johnathan chimed in to remind him about the weed.

"You can play your music." Steve suddenly cut in, surprising all of them.

Everyone's attention whipped around to look at Steve like he was crazy and lost his mind. He was simply standing there holding the ice cream cone innocently. 

Steve blinked at them confused, shifting a bit uncomfortable to suddenly have everyone’s attention. "What?"

Eddie grinned so wide now, walking back over to grab the cone letting their fingers brush together while leaning against the counter. "You'd really let me blare my music, Stevie? No complaints?"

The younger male rolled his eyes as he let go of his ice cream fighting down a blush from their fingers touching. "Take it or leave it, the kids like it and this is for them after all."

Eddie chuckled, stepping back from the counter and finally grabbing the cone, taking a long slow lick while he kept eye contact with Steve before he turned back to the others. "Alright. You've worn me down, I'll go."

Robin cheered, running over to hug him, careful to not knock his ice cream out of his hand. "You're going to have so much fun I swear!"

"The kids will definitely be happy to see you." Nancy added as she leaned against Jonathan, a hand in his back pocket. 

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