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Jimin always smelled like tangerines.

his boyfriend Yoongi knows it and loves it because it's his favorite fruit.

his bestfriend taehyung knows it because he inhales it from that pale neck often, used to taste it from those plump lips.

fresh tangerines. taehyung never liked that fruit but he likes that scent on jimin.

/jimin/ his jimin.
his best friend from when they were in diapers.

it was the last day before summer vacation starts and kids were excited to back go home just like little taehyung. packing his doraemon theme bag he was ready to go home and tell his mom about the fun things they did today when two kids he never liked from his class came snatching his bag and throwing his stuff, pushing him and laughing when he fell down
little taehyung didn't cry tho instead he glared at them that's what they always did calling him names and bullying him just because he wasn't rich and spoiled like them

that's when he met /him/

he came to protect him, jumping the bully kids and pulling their hairs cursing at them until the teachers came to rescue the kids who were now peeing their pants crying.

taehyung remembers that hot summer day clearly. when little jimin offered his chubby hands for taehyung to hold

"why'd you helped me?" taehyung asked because he doesn't remember befriending this kid

"because you look like an angry kitten and jiminie loves cats" he replied helping taehyung stand up properly

little taehyung wanted to reply 'you look more of an angry kitty than me' but he kept mum accepting the helping hand

taehyung smiles remembering those times when jimin with his chubby cheeks and kind eyes promised to protect little taehyung

now they're both in their twenties and even tho taehyung doesn't need anyone to protect him his jimin still follows him around like a bodyguard he even follows him to his bedroom and toilet like literally

taehyung giggles /his jimin/

his jimin who was his first friend, his first time (yea they did it when they were 16 wanting to experience how it feels like but later regretting it and promised eo to never talk about it) and the first person he goes to everytime he's in need of help or when he wants  to share his happiness

jimin is his home, his family, his brother from another mother and he would do anything for him

..anything except watching him eat faces with his boyfriend, min yoongi.

taehyung cringes

yeah jimin's dating him because 'taehyung he looks like a cat!! he's a fluffy ball of kitten and im gonna make him mine just you watch' and he did make him his. making the basketball captain whipped for him and now they're dating

"seriously jimin you said you have something to talk about and I've been waiting here for 15 minutes but the only words i heard from you are moans and whines you both are so gross im going" taehyung complains disgusted by his hoe bestfriend and his equally horny boyfriend

"oh taetae you're here we didn't notice you should've said something instead of watching like a creep" jimin finally registers his presence pulling away from his boyfriend and arranging his clothes that are now messy after their making out session

"said something?!! fuck you jimin you both are like cats in heat doing it in locker hallway literally everyone can see you both being disgusting even the principal just passed from here and im telling you he's traumatized for life" taehyung seethes red from anger

"oh pls i bet that creep is gonna jack off i saw him glancing and my mimi's ass that disgusting pervert" yoongi scoffs zipping his jeans back, quickly kissing jimin's cheeks after grabbing his bag "ill see you see later kitten i have basketball practice"

"bye baby"jimin waves back and starts walking with tae towards the canteen " seriously tae just because you can't get laid doesn't mean we won't either"

"shutup jimin im very pissed at you right now i had to run after my class when you texted 'emergency tae' 'it's very important tae' just to see you both banging in public like have some shame you hoe" taehyung says pushing his friend who just giggles not even an ounce of guilt and shame on his face

"im sorry taebear but really it is a very serious matter" jimin says sitting on the bench now all serious

taehyung asks what seeing his friend so serious for the first time in last 17 years

"my older brother is coming back from london tomorrow" jimin starts whispering close to taehyung's ears so other students can't hear

"he recently finished his studies so dad decided to hand over all his assets to him since he's you know an 'Alpha'" jimin says emphasizing at the Alpha because they both (tae because he's an omega and never had good relations with any alpha be his father or his ex all alphas are douchbags) and jimin because tae hates alphas and he's his friend so.. 

"so why are you telling me this" taehyung huffs annoyed. his friend did not made him run saying it's something important just to tell him about his brother being back from states when taehyung never even met the said brother

"because my dear little kitty bear i want you to seduce him" jimin announces and tae looks at him as if he just announced he's the real spiderman

"ok bye jimin im done with your shit" taehyung starts getting up but jimin pulls making him sit beside him and hugging him
"pls pls listen tae you know how much i hate that asshole and dad is giving everything to him and ill be left behind with nothing do you want your one and only friend to be homeless tae" jimin says pouting 

"he can't be that bad jimin you never tried to talk to him" taehyung sighs and jimin rolls his eyes at his naive friend

"seriously be a hoe for once in your life tae"

"please please ill never ask you of anything else tae pls just this once help me" jimin pleads now fake sniffing he knows his best friend is weak for tears

"ok fine but promise me you and yoongi won't make me see that shit and pls for gods sake stop doing it in school have some shame"

jimin jumps at this happy "i promise i love you i love you the most tae" he hugs tae who huffs trying to pull away from the hug

"but it won't work jimin what makes you think your brother would like me and what even is your plan you certainly won't ask me to kill him later will you?"

"we'll see taetae we'll see" jimin replies

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