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"Knock knock." Hyunjin looked up from his notebook to see his boyfriend at the door with his bag on his back. "Oh hey Innie! I didn't know you were coming over."

Jeongin dropped his stuff and walked over to hold Hyunjin's hands. "Well I wanted to stop by since my Jinnie wasn't at school today." The older smiled sadly and laid on the bed with jeongin.

"I'm sorry I didn't text you that I was missing, I- I just couldn't today I'm sorry." Jeongin smiled and placed a kiss on Hyunjin's forehead. "It's okay honey just let me know next time okay, I'll skip with you."

Hyunjin gasped and hugged the younger tight. "Absolutely not! I can't be the cause of you failing your classes." Jeongin chuckled and brushed his hands through Hyunjin's hair, soon hearing the older fall asleep.

Jeongin sighed and blinked away his tears. "I love you Jinnie." He wiped his eyes and looked down at his boyfriend.

'How much longer can I keep this a secret?'

"Minho sweetie it's almost like you live here now." Minho shrugged and continued petting with the kitten in his lap. "Mrs. Seo you know the only reason I come here is to talk to you, and the kitties."

Changbin shut the fridge and huffed loudly. "Hey!! You come over because you love hanging out with me!" Minho smiled softly and nodded at the older, giving Mrs. Seo a funny look.

"Hey!" The two laughed at an angry Changbin, who rolled his eyes and ate some food in the kitchen. He raised his brows as he got a text from the basketball group chat about a party, turning to glance at Minho before deciding to open his mouth.

"Hey Min, um the basketball group chat just sent a text saying that there's a party in like 20 minutes. It's open to everyone so do you want to come?" Minho sighed and blinked at the older.

"Bin you know-"

"I know you don't like parties because they're loud and crowded, but I'll be with you the whole time and you know these people so you'll be safe!" Minho faked a laugh and placed the kitten beside him on the couch.

"Bin I barely know these people!" Mrs. Seo slapped Minho's leg playfully, furrowing her brows as he flinched away softly. "Sorry sweetie, but you should totally go and live it up! But don't drink too much!"

Minho gasped as changbin laughed loudly. "Mrs. Seo!! Fine bin I'll go but we better leave when I want to leave." Changbin nodded eagerly and quickly picked the younger up. "Of course my Minnie!"

Minho giggled softly as he was carried upstairs to changbins room.

Hey guys :)

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