1 - she's electric

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Song- She's Electric / Oasis

I don't want to die a painless death, where no one remembers who I was. Sure, the thought of death scares me but I don't want to die without a few scars because it's nothing more than having a perfectly built up body. It's like seeing a clean white car that belongs in a showroom somewhere in the world, someone out there might like it. While I can't help but think, 'God, what a waste.'.

My sister however, believes just the opposite of what I do. Classic Natasha. Being the younger one never really helped. Everyone always favored her. So when she became a Fighter Pilot, I followed right in her tracks 3 years later hoping to gain something from my parents. Now here I am, back in the Hard Deck bar where I spent so much of my 20s, drinking with my friends and befriending Penny the bar keep.

"Do you know anyone else on the mission?" Natasha turned to me as we walked towards the pool table where a few others in uniform stood. "I think there's this guy I was deployed with in the Arabian Gulf."

Although most of the memories I have from my 20s are in this bar, it's been 12 years and the last place I'd want to be on a windy Tuesday night. "Well, if it ain't Alora and Phoenix." A voice called out from behind us. "You still got your head up in the clouds?" The one and only, Hangman

"Haha. Very funny Bagman." I turned to look at him. A smirk plastered wide across his face just like the last time I saw him. Nat was having a reunion with her Top Gun class when I first met him. Hangman stayed for an extra week which he made up some elaborate excuse for but it was obviously because he had a thing for her. The week he stayed over just happened to be the same one I was staying at hers after my release from the Hospital. "Hey Vanessa, Could you get a round for us? It's my turn anyways so just tell Penny to put it on my tab." he patted me on the shoulder before starting up a conversation with Nat.

'He really wouldn't change for the world,' I hopped onto a stool at the bar, watching Penny as she spoke to a strangely familiar older man who wore a highly decorated bomber jacket. She turned around smiling, ringing the 'bell of doom' as once called it. Doom for that persons credit card at least.

A loud roar came from the bar causing the man to be even more confused than before. "Disrespect a Lady, the Navy or put your Cell Phone on my bar and you buy a round." I laughed and pointed at the sign next to Penny.

"For everyone?" the man sighs and looks at me. "I'm afraid rules are rules pal." I laugh before turning back to Penny. "I'll take 6 on the oldtimer here. Was going to be Hangman paying but seems not."

"Vanessa? Oh my God! I noticed them over there but I didn't know you were here!" She smiled and began pouring the beers for us. "Nat is here as well, we've all been called back for- well, we don't know what for yet." I laughed. "Make sure to tell m-"
"Classified information, I would never." I winked, turning to see Hangman destroying Natasha in an intense game of pool.

"Bagman! Come help me carry these!" I spoke just loud enough for him to hear over the growing noise inside. He placed his que down and scoffed before making his way over. "Thank you for not destroying my bank account any further, and good luck to yours." Hagman smiled sarcastically at the man from earlier before we walked off to the infamous spot all pilots claimed when they came to the hard deck.

"Now you're looking at the only Naval Aviator on active duty with 9 confirmed air-to-air kills." Natasha boasted, pointing at me as I placed a few beers down onto a table. "Damn Alora, and I thought I was good with my 1 kill." Hangman picked up his que once more and potted another ball. "He was in a museum piece from the Korean war Hangman, You were bound to win" A man also in uniform spoke up.

"Cold war." Another chimed in, "Different century." I laughed, "Who are your friends here Phoenix?" Hangman took a sip of his beer, eyeing the two men standing behind her. "Payback." "Fanboy." They answered coldly. Fuck, and I thought Hangman was scary when I first met him. "Hey Coyote." Natasha smiled, "Hey."

Heavenly- Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now