The Challenge(Chapter 7)

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Yn pov

Now I wasn't expecting her to say that, was that why she was so kind to me, from the books, icewings were portrayed as being jerks to everyone, no matter if they were from the same tribe or not. If what she's saying is true then, why did she love me? But first things first, I needed to calm her down. Slowly I brought my hand up to her snout and began to gently pet her snout she seemed to calm down as laid down and rested her head on top of me that's when I noticed that she was crying. we just stayed like that for a while until she spoke.

Leopard: please don't go I don't want to lose you

Yn: Leopard I don't know how to feel about this but I can't just stop helping my friends so why don't we come to a compromise let me have time to think about this and I promise not to do anything overly dangerous until I've found out how to feel about this

Leopard: fine

Yn: alright let's head back to the village Glory should be challenging the queen now

She then got off me. I decided to change up my look putting on my bracelet and copper ring and turning myself into a rainwing. I took to the air signaling Leopard to join me she then took to the air both of us flying back to the village

time skip

Leopard and I flew a huge platform that was surrounded by hammocks and a few stalls filled with fruit. In the middle of the platform were Kinkajou, Sunny, Tsunami, and Glory standing Leopard and I flew down to greet them.

Yn: hey guys what'd I miss

Glory: Yn?

Yn: yep decided to change to a rainwing since we're in the rainforest

after I said that the five rainwing walked onto the platform looking smug like they knew they were going to win

Yn: hey Glory Leopard and I will be in that hammock up there cheering for you

Me and Leopard then flew up to one of the hammocks and laid down on it, once we were comfortable Leopard snuggled up next to me which felt nice since she was naturally cold.

We sat there and watched the multiple challenges that the rainwing queens made Glory and a few rainwings she picked to help her go through and they cheated multiple times it was starting to make my blood boil to the point where Leopard had to stop me from jumping off the hammock to give them a piece of my mind but now it was time for venom targeting. Kinkajou was up against a much older rainwing who I think was Grandeur, I couldn't watch as Grandeur beat her in the ranged part of the challenge next was targeting which both of them were good at hitting the bullseye each time they shot venom. Right when Grandeur was shot out venom a sloth fell out of a branch, Kinkajou quickly pushed the sloth out of the way taking the hit instead. As soon as it hit her wing she screamed out in pain as the venom worked like an acid melting her scales Glory was first to reach her I tried flying down but my leg got caught in some vines forcing me to hang suspended in the air like an idiot.

I thrashed around trying to free myself but I soon remembered that this was supposed to happen so that Grandeur would find out was her great-granddaughter. I calmed down and stopped thrashing around then calmly with the help of Leopard cut the vines holding me in the air once I was free I flew down next to Glory who was already applying her venom to Kinkajou stopping Grandeur's venom from melting her wing anymore then glory started talking to Grandeur as I made sure Kinkajou's wing was okay I didn't even her Grandeur forfeit so when Glory came over to tell her about I stopped her

Yn: no she can not continue the challenge right now sh-

Glory: we won Grandeur forfeited and gave me the throne

Yn: what she did... Three moons I need to pay attention to my surroundings more

Glory then chuckled at my comment before talking to Kinkajou and telling her they won I then backed up to let Kinkajou stand up.

As Grandeur announce that Glory was their new queen I smiled but when Glory and her teammates hugged I felt a little sad it must've been very noticeable cause Sunny walked up to me and nudged my shoulder.

Sunny: hey are you, okay you look a little sad

I sigh and contemplated whether I should lie or not but eventually just decided to tell the truth.

Yn: I wish I had something like that growing up

I said pointing at Glory who just broke the hug she and her teammates were having.

Yn: maybe if I had a family my life might have turned out differently

I let out a sigh knowing that dwelling on it would just sour the rest of today. I wasn't surprised when Sunny placed a talon on my shoulder.

Sunny: hey you have us were your family now

I smiled that genuinely made me happy to know that she saw me as family and not a stray that followed then around

Yn: thanks Sunny I don't know how you do it but you seem to make everything okay even when things are at the worst

Sunny gave me a bright smile before walking off to talk to Glory completing her mission of making sure I'm not sad. Out of nowhere, Clay brushed out of the trees and run up to Glory after landing on the platform he ran up to Glory

Sunny: Clay! What's wrong?

Clay: it's Starflight. He's disappeared

Glory: he didn't-

Clary: Glory I'm sorry... But I think he's gone to warn the nightwings

Y/n(quietly): UGHHHHH! why am I not surprised

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