Chapter 2: Get Over It

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Ain't it just a bitch?

What a pain

Well, it's all a crying shame.

What left to do...but complain?

Better find someone to blame.


It had been nearly three weeks since Cordelia had ruined her own life. While that may seem a little dramatic to some, to Cordelia it seemed apt. She has been subjected to torture of the most acute kind: listening to her mother talk. From sun up to sun down it was "the Malfoy's" this and "proper ladies have starched collars" that. It was as if Cordelia's horrific blunder at Diagon Alley had unlocked something in her mother. Maybe she thought she was finally getting through to Cordelia or she felt they had something in common to talk about now. Either way, Cordelia was contemplating faking her own death and going to live with the muggles.

The only thing that was keeping her from doing so was today: September 1st. It was easily her favorite day of the year. It meant that in only a few short hours she would be boarding the Hogwarts Express and going back to her real home. Where she was free from her mother's constant scrutiny and her collar could be as floppy as she wanted.

Cordelia had just managed to shove all seven of her new Defense Against the Dark Arts textbooks into her already crowded trunk. I mean really? Seven books for one subject? She already had a growing disdain for the author of said works and new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Gilderoy Lockhart. A sentiment that was doubled by her mother gushing about his accomplishments after having picked up the offending volumes. Cordelia looked down at her copy of 'Holidays With Hags' ruefully. I've got a hag he could take care of.

As if summoned, her mother burst into her room. "Cordelia! I want you downstairs in exactly 3 minutes." Her mother demanded. Her eyes narrowed scraping over Cordelia's appearance. "And do something about that collar." After her mother marched out of her room Cordelia let out a withered groan.

"What IS this woman's obsession with collars?" Cordelia walked over the large standing mirror in the corner of her room. Not a hair was out of place, her green tartan skirt was perfectly pressed, she hadn't missed any buttons on the gray cashmere cardigan... that's when she noticed the tip of her crisp white shirt collar was stuck slightly under her sweater.

She let out a loud scoff and deliberately tucked the other side of the collar under, muttering angrily to herself. "She's trying to drive me mad, two can play at that."

After making sure Cordelia had all of her things, her mother had made a point of making sure she had the broom and book for Malfoy's "gift" and that her owl Sage was safely in her cage, they finally made it to platform 9 ¾.

Her father had not gone through to the platform with them and the only goodbye she had gotten from him was, "We're expecting a lot from you, young lady. Don't forget you are a Prince." Cordelia was not surprised by this and tried to ignore the sinking feeling of disappointment in her stomach as she and her mother went through the barrier to the platform.

"Now Cordelia–" her mother began but paused when her eye caught Cordelia's collar. Her mother's dark eyes flashed with annoyance, and she immediately straightened it for her. "As your father said, you are a Prince. Don't do anything that would mar that title this year. You know what is expected of you."

"I–," Cordelia started, but before she could finish, another group of figures came through the barrier on the platform. It was none other than Narcissa and Draco Malfoy. Great. Wonderful.

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