Killed someone for you. Douma x reader horror🤪

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You were a demon slayer, just like the rest of your family, They had high expectations of you, and you always tried your best to achieve them, but you saw how they didn't care about your accomplishments, instead they only focused on your mistakes.

So you decided to get away from them. You packed your bags and stuck out in the nighttime, As you were traveling you heard rustling in the bushes, you instantly went alert, unsheathing your sword, You saw someone walking out of the tall bushes, you were about to To attack when you realized who they were.

upper moon 2, douma balls.

Your eyes widened at the sight of the demon infront of you, He watched your figure slowly back up, picking up your sword to defend yourself. He stared at you in amusement, He smiled eerily at you, "My my! What a brave demon slayer I've stumbled into upon!" He closed his eyes in delight.

You raised an eyebrow, Looking at the taller man infront of you, "Why Dont you go stare at someone else, I'm not interested in you" you said with a smirk on your face. He laughed at your statement.

"I like your attitude! My you'd make a perfect partner! Why don't you join me? Become a demon and we can rule together forever!" You furrowed your eyebrows,

"How flattering!" You said with sarcasm drowning your words. "I would totally take the offer! But I'm not gonna betray my family, friends, or my master."
You said, a serious expression quickly taking over your face,

He just smiled at you, Loving the expression quickly changing on your features "Well darling! Lucky for you, I'm in a good mood, So I won't turn you into a demon, however I will take you as mine, And if you decline my offer I'll have no choice but to slaughter you, your family and friends!" He said enthusiastically.

You grit your teeth in annoyance, You had no other ways to avoid this, You couldn't escape this time, just take one for the team Y/N.

You sighed, "Fine. As Long as you don't injure or kill my loved ones in any way, Only then will I date you." You stared at him, a cold look on your face.

His eyes gleamed in delight, "How wonderful! I promise you won't regret this!" He closed his eyes, he fanned himself with his golden fan, you looked to the side, regretting your choices, but then again you had no other choice.


A few years later, you two were still together. Except you've actually gained feelings for him, you despised yourself for it, But then again you couldn't suppress those feelings, for they were to strong to be ignored.

Douma wanted to come over for dinner with your family, so you said Yes, only on one condition, he needed to Disguise himself as a human. He agreed and masked his true identity.

You were both walking to your parents house, You held hands with smiles on your faces,

low effort time, aka anything copyright makes

you um walk in or something I don't know




parent:"does stuff because I just woke up and have no writing skills what so ever"


um they start suscipous because like um they like like erm douma um bro I don't even know PLEASE

douma just kills his parents the end wait no he kills your parents my bad and he kills them like right in front of you

we made this so long ago I'm probably never finishing this, I only will if y'all ask me to💀

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