Chapter 2

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Hakiri POV

I slowly open my eyes but it didn't make any difference became it's to dark

'Where is this'

'What happened to me?'

'If I remember correctly I died by saving that boy'

'Was I saved?'

'Am I currently on the hospital bed?'

'Wait that voice before I died I'm pretty sure I heard it before I used all of my brain just to remember that after 8 minutes I finally remember that's the voice of the world that does mean I reincarnated into the cardinal world.

While thinking all of the things happened to me my head suddenly hurts

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa It hurtsssssss"

I scream at the top of my lung because my head is going burst


The pain slowly faded away and my view about the world change, it's more like I'm using my brain 10000000% potential (AN: In simple terms he turns into Manas but his race stay the same)

'This is weird'

After slowly digesting all of the information I gained that it takes 4 hours to fully understand if it were me before a decade is the minimum time I need.

'I'm gonna enjoy cardinal world to the fullest"

"My stats is pretty op I feel like cheating on a game"

Race: Nephalem
Core: Manas + Naphalem
Intrinsic Skill: Magicule Conductor
Extra Skill: Shadow Manipulation
Unique Skill: Martial Arts, Absolute Resistance
Ultimate Skill: Reality God Theodon

'I'm very strong especially my Ultimate Skill it can even manipulate reality if I need to"

Ultimate Skill Reality God Theodon
All of Creation - is a sub skill that that can create anything with enough Magicule
Space - Time Domination - Can travel and manipulate time and space
Void - Can manipulate and use the Void energy, Turn Null.
Ruler of Elements - Can Manipulate all elements (I can manipulate them all but using the primitive magic is very difficult although possible I need more time)
Absolute Reality Manipulation - The ability to manipulate reality itself. The ability can only be used with large amount of Magicule

The only weakness of my Ultimate skill is limited Magicule but for me who has an magic conductor It's impossible to defeat me if I learn and use this. Even with this I still can't the guys of the top because of my lack of experience.

While I'm thinking of all of this I just realized that I'm naked I just forgot the outside world when I'm learning all the knowledge I learned. I use my Ultimate Skill sub skill all of creation to create clothes for me and go to the small lake to use it as a mirror

(Credits to the owner)
I wear a black T-shirt that is a little bit oversized and black jeans

"I'm more handsome on this look"

After fixing myself I created a sword that is rare grade level and hone my body and kill monsters that is on my way. When killing monster I didn't use any skill even my Unique Skill [Martial Arts] is deactivated because I want to know how strong and durable my body. I'm a Nephalem that's why exhaustion is not possible so that's why I keep honing my body and skills.

"My current location is Veldora Cave of the Jura forest for me to learn what timeline is this I first need to go to where Veldora got sealed"

3rd Person POV

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