Wish You Were Right Here, Right Now

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March 10, 2023
Haylo's POV:

"Well, Haylo, I'm proud to tell you that your condition has greatly improved and we can finally discharge you! Yay!" says my main doctor, Dr. Wilson. "Really?!" I ask excitedly. "Yeah! Congratulations, sweetheart!" she says. I beam and hug my fluffy greyish teddy bear tight. "We're free, Cuddles! I did it! My stupid asthma gave up on fighting me so hard!" I cheer. I imagine Cuddles's voice in my head saying, "I knew you could do it kid!" I smile at him and kiss his fuzzy head. I make his hands start clapping and Dr. Wilson laughs. "It's nice to finally see you so happy," she says. "I'm always happy! I'm the smiliest kid in this whole floor! You've even told me so!" I remind her. "Touché. Okay, Haylo, I've gotta finish my rounds. Oh! And by the way, your wish is being granted tomorrow!" she replies.

"REALLY?!" I screech for the first time in my life. I grab my throat afterwards. Never again. That hurt too much. "Really?!" I repeat but much softer. "Yes! Taylor will be here at 10:00 am and she's staying until whenever she has to leave," says my doctor. I bounce in my bed with excitement. Then Dr. Wilson leaves me alone in my room with Cuddles for company.

The severity of my condition granted me a wish from the Make A Wish Foundation when I was four. My wish is to meet the one and only Taylor Alison Swift. I idolize her and her music has helped me get through all of this. Like for example, when my doctors need to test my endurance, they turn 1989 on and I dance for as long as I can until I can't breathe and then they know my limit for the day and we try again the next day.

I turn on Disney+ and watch Peter Pan. I'm kinda picky when it comes to watching Disney movies. I'm not a big princess person but I like other types of Disney films. For some reason, Peter Pan is one of my comfort Disney movies. I think it's because I like the idea of flying away to Neverland to get rid of all of my problems. And I looooove the crocodile with the clock. He's so funny. Especially when he makes Captain Hook nervous. I've heard from other kids here that the Peter Pan ride at both Disney World and Disneyland is pretty cool. Maybe one day I'll be able to ride it. By the time the movie is over, it's time for lunch, which is hospital mac n cheese and a jello cup.

After lunch, I watch Lilo and Stitch. I think it would be really cool to go to Hawaii one day. Maybe go boogie boarding or surfing or snorkeling and see some fish and turtles. During the movie, a doctor comes and checks my vitals and draws a little blood just to run a test. I hate needles but hugging Cuddles close with my other arm helps a bit. Plus if a movie is playing, I'm less likely to want to look at the needle. I almost always have an IV in my arm or hand just to give me nutrients and stuff in case I'm coughing so bad that I can't eat or drink anything but for some reason, blood draws affect me more.

After dinner I watch Frozen 2. It's practically the only princess movie I like besides Tangled. I looooooove Tangled. And anyways, the second Frozen is better than the first one in my opinion. And I can hear The Little Mermaid on repeat in the room next door to me so I definitely don't want to watch that. And besides, Ursula is scary as heck! I find Sven adorable and Olaf hilarious. I think Bruni the fire lizard would make a great pet and I wish he actually existed. I love the sister bond between Anna and Elsa and I think it's cute how they automatically grab each other's hands sometimes and how they check on each other a lot. Watching them kinda makes me wish I had a sister. Like an older sister. Not a younger one. Then again I don't know how much I would even see her with me being in the hospital or if we'd even get along. And that's how my sadness of being an only child with no family disappears in an instant.

And yeah, I know three movies in a day is a bit much, but since I'm getting discharged the day after tomorrow, there aren't really any tests left to run on me. The doctors don't need to pay me any visits just to make sure I'm not coding or anything like they had to even last week. I haven't had any asthma attacks this whole week. I'm really proud of that.

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