" That will be 7 galleons for the wand", I snap out of it look at the wand maker. probably a seer too .

" Mr ollivander do you have a wand hostler ?", I said speaking for the first time. 

" Yea that would be a total of 10 galleons ".

I quickly pay then turn to walk out when ollivanders voice stops me in my track, " beware tho traveler, Willow wands and their wielders  can grow rather cheerless even slipping into melancholy if they become isolated from meaningful friendships or only befriend those of similar temperament", I give him a nod before walking out.

Well that was something, hoping the rest of my shopping will be less exciting I made my way towards madam Malkin's she leads me towards a stand taking my measurements. I got my Hogwarts uniform then four pares of winter clock, with a matching pair of scarf, gloves and hat made of cotton and fur. 

She shrinks everything then I place It in my bag. I then went to the apothecary where I got four of every ingredient listed, I am going to need a lot of practice after all, as I left to make my way towards flourish and botts I could have sworn I saw a messy black mop of hair which defied gravity.

Anyway as I walked into flourish and botts only to see a bunch of kids with their parents picking books, while some kids just stood there reading a few. I just walked up to the counter asked for first year standard books, he gave me one which has already been shrunk I payed then was about to leave but decided to browse Incase there was a book I wanted to read.

I walked towards the charms isil where i got a book called, Charms For The Lady's , it had everything from  makeup charms to hair then cloth to stuff some people don't need to know about but the lady's. It was a gold mine really so I took it then continued picking up another one about  household charms just in case. Then made my way towards the transfiguration isle but there wasn't much which was interesting so I just took one that said Animagus Transformation, I then went between isles again picked books soon my hands where full I walked towards the defense section where I found a book that said How To Survive In The Wild, when I bumped into someone. My books went flying everywhere so I quickly got down picking it up, " I am so sorry I didn't see where I was going"

" I would be surprised if you could with that tower in your hand", said the voice.

I looked up grey meeting amber,  " hello ", he says a smile on his face, which makes his eyes more crescent like. Pretty.

I blink back before getting up finally remembering I was a witch I wave my wand pointing towards my books, they collect them selves up I then shrink them down, finally picking them up Easley. I look up to see a stunned face, " hello my name is Rita ", i said smiling back.

He smiled back mouth opening to probably tell me his name when a guy our age with glasses and I was right, gravity defying hair jumped on him, " hey Remmy I knew I would find you here, so stop being a book worm we haven't even started school yet the guys  are waiting out side to get some ice cream".

Amber who am pretty sure is Remus lupin looked annoyed but smiled when he saw the monkey aka James potter let go of him a smile on his face. He turns back towards me, " sorry about him Rita , this is James my annoying companion", he said smirking at James.

Thats when James realized I was there he looks at me then back at Remus before looking back at me then slowly turned towards Remus with a shit eating grin.

Remus looked at his face, smile gone replaced with a suspicious look, " James what ever your thinking stop it", but James just bounces over to me getting close but not inappropriately close, " so Rita is it, wanna join me and my fellow friend Remus hear to get some ice cream? ", I raised my brow at him I am pretty sure that wasn't all but even so i still had a lot of shopping to do but a quick break won't hurt right? but I also want to get the shopping over with but didn't I want to stay in the background? So, " I still have a bit more shopping to do . . .", James smile dimmed at that so I quickly added, ". . .but i could come over when am done if your still there that is", he smiles bright at that really his soft brown eyes almost shining What's with this guy is he made of the sun? 

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