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The next day ,I woke up to dad screaming from the library so I dashed to check what it was and found out that one of our maids found  letter under Kevin’s pillow. I read it and froze, Kevin left

He didn’t say where he went and when he was coming back all  the note said was


Dad took the note from me and said “I would expect something like this from you but not my son, Kevin is a responsible young man”

Well, the note says otherwise

“The gala is this weekend, I need your brother to be there no matter what it takes” dad said to me

We tried looking for Kevin everywhere but no one knew where he was even the police couldn’t find him and it was driving dad crazy.

One night, dad just walked up to me and started inspecting my face

“You would do, you are going to be him”

“Be who”

“Kevin, on case your brother is still on this stupid little adventure on the night of the gala, you will pretend to be him”

“But dad, I didn’t think I can”

“Kendra, you are a capable young lady, of course you can, you’ll be saving our company humiliation, I know I have not been very vocal about your accomplishments but I do notice, will you do this for me sweetheart?”

Dad has never talked to me that way and it felt really good, so I gave I and beside it would only be for one night, right?

I just needed to hide my hair under a wig and dress up like Kevin and just smile and nod  and avoid as much conversation as much as possible. Simple.

When the big day finally came, I was a nervous wreck. There were too many important people and dad kept reminding to mess up.

Luckily, the party was a success and I thought my little mission was finally over until dad came up to me.

“You did well, now we just have to make sure that your brother doesn’t fail his classes so he could graduate. You’ll need to attend school as him”

But what about me as Kendra and my grades?”

“I’ll call the school and tell them that I sent you out of the country for an emergency anything you fail, you can take it in summer school”


“No buts. This was already decided and remember .No one should ever know about this"

But Kevin and I were just too different. So he was finish, I went to my room and after carefully thinking about it, I finally decided to do it and it was my chance to impress dad and I just needed to do one little thing, which is learn everything about my brother to make it believable so I checked his room. But I didn’t find anything useful and I needed to ask for help from the people closest to him, Cedric and Ciara. But there was one problem, at school or whenever he visted my brother, I would usually lock myself in my room because every time our eyes met, I felt like passing out. I mean the guy looked like a demigod.  And I just couldn’t handle him .Thank god Ciara was always there to keep me from falling, she instantly knew I had a crush on her brother. But I had no choice. 

So I called Ciara first 

“Hey, Girl”

“Hi Ara, I have a problem”

“What’s the problem?”

“My brother ran away and now I have to pretend to be him”

“So you need my help right”


“Kendra, to really know him, you should ask Cedric, his your brother’s best friend and his always in the music room, so check there”

“Thanks, night”

“night and i'm coming with you”

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