Day One Part 3

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After the two disturbed the stranger and the blue dragon they go to investigate what was left behind.

Paimon floated ahead, much faster than Jaylenth, who had a cautious but relaxed pace. Jaylenth heard her call out to her from above.

"Be careful! Paimon doesn't have a good feeling about this..."
"Yes, because floating over there swiftly is careful," She muttered, picking up the pace a bit.
"What was that? Paimon couldn't hear you!"

Jaylenth climbed atop the rock and 'repeated' what she said.

"Yes, because it is important to be careful."

Paimon looked over at Jaylenth, slightly puzzled.

"So, whaddo we got here?"
"Paimon's never seen a stone like this before, so Paimon can't tell what it is."
"How inconvenient," Jaylenth said, putting a hand on her hip.
"All Paimon knows is that it's dangerous. Best we put it away for now."
"If you say so." Jaylenth snatched the crimson crystal and packed it away.
"Okay, we've got it! Now let's get out of here."
"Back to heading to Mondstadt."

And the pair did just that. Jaylenth hopped down from the rock and they followed the path with the occasional "ooo! Mushroom!" detour. But as the pair walked, they heard a perky young girl call out to them.

"Hey, you! Stop right there!"

A young girl, dressed mostly in red, ran off a cliff behind them, rolling as she landed. She brought a fist to her chest and then swiped her arm down in some strange sort of salute. She spoke again.

"May the Anemo God protect you, stranger!"

Jaylenth blinked at the spectacle before her and resisted the urge to check in with Paimon to make sure she wasn't imagining it.

"I am Amber, Outrider for the Knights of Favonius."
"A what for the what-?"
"You don't look like citizens of Mondstadt-"
"-Because we aren't-" Jaylenth interjected.
"Explain yourselves!"
Paimon waved their hands around frantically. "We're not looking for trouble."
"That's what all the troublemakers say," Amber said matter-of-factly, crossing her arms.
Jaylenth stepped forward and waved. "Well hi, I'm Jaylenth."
".... Doesn't sound like a local name to me," Amber replied, narrowing her eyes..

The Outrider looked between two; her eyes settled on the small floaty one.

"And this... mascot, what's the deal with it?"
"Paimon's my friend." Jaylenth looked at her guide fondly.
"We've only been traveling partners for two months, but.... We've already become the very best of friends!"

The pair smiled at each other.

"So to sum it up, you're traveling partners, right?"

They nodded in response.

"Well look, there's been a large dragon sighted in Mondstadt recently. Best you get inside the city as soon as possible."
"Sounds reasonable." Jaylenth nodded.
"It's not far from here, I'll escort you there."
"Okay-" Jaylenth tried (and failed) to hide her taken aback-ness.
"Aren't you out here for some other reason?" Paimon asked.
"I am. But not to worry, I can keep you both safe while doing that too. Besides..."

Amber eyed the two suspiciously once again, placing her hands back on her hips.

"I'm still not sure if I can trust you two just yet!"
"Why so suspicious?" Jaylenth raised an eyebrow, tilting her head a bit.
"Oh, ahh... I'm sorry. Probably not something I should say as a knight."
"Eh, honesty's the best policy."
"Nono, I give you my apologies, uh... strange yet... respectable travelers."

Does that really count as an apology?

"That sounded so fake!" Paimon yelled, putting their hands on their hips.
"Do you have something against the type of language usage prescribed by the Knights of Favonius Handbook!?" Amber retorted, equally offended.

Did she just- get mad at us...? After she basically insulted us? Huh.

"Oh no! Not another slime!" Paimon yelled, pointing behind Amber.
"Awwww cuuut- Why is it flying." Jaylenth stared.
"Don't worry, I've got this!" Amber said as she prepared for attack.

With perfect aim and just one shot from her bow, Amber defeated the slime.

"Wow. Nice shot." Jaylenth said, still staring at where the slime used to be.
"Thanks! Now follow me."

Amber started off towards her objective

"Shiiiiit, Paimon, did you see that? She can escort me any day."
Paimon rolled her eyes. "Jaylenth, get moving!"

A/N: Oh my god another one! Wowie! I hope y'all enjoy this one, more to come obvs. Please vOtE and comment bc I love reading comments. This is MysteriaQueen bidding adieu to all my mysterious guys gals and nonbinary pals. Bai <3

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