Michael now stood where his grandmother did. She knew she felt his presence.

The teenagers only stared at eachother for a moment before the girl inhaled deeply.

There was something about Michael that drew her to him. She couldnt help but to think that that he was a missing peice to her purpose.

" Hello, Michael. My name is Dayana-"

" You killed her." Michael interrupted with a hard expression on his face, " You killed my grandma."

Daya blinked, she was speechless.

" I gave her what she wanted, Michael. Constance wanted a way out-"

" She doesn't want to see me. I have no one- I'm by myself because of you!" Michael yelled, tears welling in his eyes.

She was taken back, to say the least. In her mind, this wasn't her fault and him blaming her made her angry.

She let out a chuckly breath before taking a step up the stairs towards him.

" Me? I'm the reason she's dead? No, Michael. I mean, she obviously wanted to get away from you." She spoke, still walking up the stairwell.

" But that just makes me think...what could you have done to make a poor old lady want to kill herself?" Dayanara asked, looking up at the taller boy.

The question triggered something in him, he got violent rather quickly.

Michael had Dayanara pinned against the railing by her throat, closing her airway as her hands wrapped around his wrist.

"Michael!" An unfamiliar voice yelled causing the boy to let go of Daya quickly.

Daya gasped for air as her eyes set on an older man at the end of the stairwell.

" You said you wanted to get better-" The man began.

" I do! Sh-She killed grandma." Michael whined like a child.

" I gave her the gift she so badly begged for. I did her a favor and in return she let's me get choked out by her phsyco grandson!" Dayanara yelled, knowing Constance could hear her.

" Alright, you need to leave." The man said and she shook her head.

" No. I came here to see Michael." The girl stated.

" Why? I dont want you here." Michael spoke, rolling his bright blue eyes with sass.

Daya thought for a moment, she actually didnt know why she came to see Michael, or how she knew he was even here.

" Because I'm bored. And I need someone to play with." Dayanara stated, turning to Michael again.

Daya knew behind those crystal blue eyes he was just like her.

" It must be so lonely here, Michael. You don't want to be alone anymore, do you?" Daya asked, looking up at him with her big brown eyes.

He shook his head, forgetting why he was even upset with her in the first place.

Damn, she was good.

The older man at the bottom of the staircase named Ben immediately got a bad vibe from the girl.

He watched as Michael led the girl deeper into the house, he knew this wouldn't end well.

Days had passed.

Dayanara was determined to break Michael out of his shell. He was so...innocent. And it irked her.

Daya discovered that the house they were staying in was called The Murder House. Apparently, countless murders have happened there since it was practically built. Every night, she sought out to meet as many of the spirits there as she could, she was now speaking to a spirit of a young woman named Hayden.

Hayden explained everything.

I mean, she wouldnt shut up.

Hayden told Daya about her affair with Ben Harmon, and how he caused her death.

" And his wife, Vivian, got pregnant with twins but one of the babies weren't Ben's. It was Tates!" Hayden spoke as if it was a crazy plot twist as Daya sat up in her chair.

" Tate, as in Constance Langdon's son?" The alive teen asked, earning a fast nod from Hayden.

" Ben and Vivian's baby died and Constance disappeared with the other around six years ago." Hayden spoke, watching the wheels in Daya's head turn with a grin.

" And you think-" " No, I know Michael is that baby."

It was silent.

Dayanara was trying to think of what to do, how to turn off that 'I want to be good' switch in Michael's brain.

I mean, it's what their father would want.

" And I see how well Ben treats Michael...like the son he never had-" Hayden's breath gets more rapid as she thinking about it, " The son he could've had with me!"

Daya's eyes narrow, " I know you want something for telling me all of this...useful information. What do you want?"

Hayden chuckled, brushing off her mini breakdown, before sitting back down.

" We both want the same thing. Well, not really. I want Ben to be alone for all eternity for what he did to me. And Michael makes him happy, so how about that be the first step?"

It was perfect.

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