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The next night, Aspen didn't expect for Santana to barge into her room. She yelped, startled, but glared at the girl standing at her door.

"What do you want, Santana?"

"Since you so rudely introduced yourself to Charlie yesterday," Santana started, crossing her arms. "I'm getting you back. You have the pleasure of meeting my other friends, and there's no getting out of it."

Aspen rolled her eyes. "You're the one that didn't want me around them, remember? Why the sudden change of heart?"

"Charlie told them," Santana sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I trust them. It's you I'm worried about."

"I couldn't possibly embarrass you more than you already have," Aspen smirked. "And if you think I'm going to attack them or anything, don't worry. I'll only hit them if they look at me funny."

"More like hit on them," Santana muttered. "You're like the world's biggest slut. You're bound to be all over them."

Aspen laughed. "I don't think we'll have much of a problem with me hitting on your nerd friends. I'd snap their toothpick arms."

Santana sighed, giving up. "They're going to be here in thirty minutes. If you try to sneak out, you're not allowed back."

"Okay mom," Aspen groaned. "Are you done?"

Santana scoffed, whirling around and storming out of the room. As attracted to her as Aspen was, she was also annoyed. She was really stuck up now that she'd left the gang.

She got up with a sigh, glancing at her backpack on the floor. The room was bare—she hadn't bothered to make it anything special. The only clothes she had were the ones in her backpack, mostly stolen from the Goodwill down the street. She wasn't around the apartment enough for Santana to notice her lack of necessities, though.

She was a drifter. At least, that's what Oz said countless times. Aspen never stayed in one place for too long. That was how she survived.

She changed into black, ripped skinny jeans and a grey jacket that was pretty big on her. She left the jacket unzipped and had on a plain black tank top underneath. It was nearly fall, after all.

She brushed out her wavy, shoulder-length blonde hair before sighing. The bags under her eyes were prominent, as was the bruise on her eye from her fight against Oz's little brother, Rocket. His name was exactly what you would think; he was called that after he made a bottle rocket in his garage and knocked himself out with it. Aspen loved giving him a hard time about it, but eventually, he snapped, leaving them both pretty beat up.

Aspen was good at picking fights, but bad at winning them.

She slipped out of the room, raising an eyebrow when four pairs of eyes all turned to look at her.

Besides Charlie, at first glance, not a single one of them were nerds.

Santana cleared her throat. "Guys, this is Aspen. Aspen, this is Schlatt and Ted."

Aspen crossed her arms, turning to the shorter of the two. He had on a Yankees hat and prominent sideburns, so she smirked and made a snide comment.

"I think you mean Prince Hans and his hunky arm candy," She hummed, nodding to Ted when she referred to him as Schlatt's boyfriend.

Santana glared at her, but Schlatt didn't skip a beat as he quipped back.

"There's nothing wrong with being gay. I'd suck James Charles's dick and balls for hours."

Aspen couldn't help but laugh at that, which she was surprised with. She had a feeling she'd get along well with Schlatt. "Scratch that. You're probably the straightest guy I've ever met."

"Damn straight," Schlatt nodded, adjusting his hat and nudging Ted. "Ted, you're quiet. Say something."

"I'm...processing," Ted narrowed his eyes at her and tilted his head, his voice sharper than she imagined. Aspen did the same, and they both studied each other.

He was at least 6'3, and he was muscular. He had broad shoulders, with wavy brown hair on his head. His eyes were a hazel-ish brown, and they bore into hers.

Aspen shrugged. "He's just not sure how to act around me. I couldn't care less."

Ted opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted when Charlie cleared his throat.

"Anyway," He started, slinging an arm around Santana and making Aspen roll her eyes. "Who wants to watch a movie?"

"I'll pass," Aspen answered, taking a step back. "I have some business to take care of at the pier, so I'll see you guys probably never—"

"No," Santana interrupted. "After that stunt you pulled last night, I'm forcing you to stay and watch a movie."

Aspen groaned. "Why? What happened to staying out of each other's business?"

"After you came back with those bruises, your business became my business," Santana snapped, making Aspen clench her fists. Santana continued. "I just want to help you. The same way Charlie helped me—"

"By making out?" Aspen grinned, knowing that would set Santana off. Especially in front of her friends. "I'd get in on that action."

"Through kindness," Santana countered, ignoring Aspen's attempt at flirting. "He showed me what it was like to be normal, and I'm just trying to do the same."

Aspen rolled her eyes. "If I stay and watch a movie, will you shut up with all that 'helping you' crap?"

Santana sighed. "Fine."

"Then you have a deal," Aspen bumped Ted's shoulder as she walked past them to get to the living room. She heard Santana mutter a 'sorry', but she didn't care. She doubted she'd ever see these people again.

She plopped down on the couch with a huff, watching Charlie crouch down in front of the TV to turn it on. Why did Santana get to have all this nice stuff, when Aspen was stuck with nothing?

It wasn't fair.

A/N What do you guys think so far? Comments are always appreciated and I love reading what you guys have to say :)

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