"I told you I would," Cassie laughed then turned to Jess and Sophie. "You probably already know Jess-"

"Mariano, the mysterious new kid," Julia smiled at him but he continued frowning.

"Right... and this is Sophie, Chilton best friend," Cassie gestured to Sophie introducing her.

"Hi," Julia smiled at her.

Sophie seemed to be having some kind of brain malfunction. She seemed perfectly conscious but the second Julia appeared the confident Sophie Dugray went into hiding. "H-Hi, hey."

The two of them were quiet while Cassie stood awkwardly, watching them watch each other. She smiled, not realizing what was happening between her two friends. Jess on the other hand, figured it out in two seconds. He saw the looks being exchanged, laughing at Cassie's cluelessness.

"Jules and I met in the third grade. She threw paint at me and we've been friends ever since," Cassie added.

Julia turned away from Sophie, scoffing lightly. "Ever since, minus when you got into prep school and you completely disappeared. I've seen you maybe twice since then."

"Well you can blame her for that," Cassie joked as she looked at Sophie. "Once you're with Sophie Dugray it's hard to shake her."

"Why would you want to?" Julia asked before she looked back at Sophie with a smile on her face. Julie turned away from her, looking back at Cassie. "Drinks?"

"Do you even have to ask?" Cassie asked her and Julia gestured for them to follow her.

Cassie started walking but about two steps in she got pulled back to Sophie's side. "Woah," she laughed looking at the blonde. "What was that for?" She asked as they slowly continued to follow Julia.

"I'm sorry, you've known Julia for how long?" Sophie asked her.

"Since third grade," Cassie shrugged, neither of them realizing that Jess was totally listening in on their conversation.

"And you've never mentioned her before... because?"

"What are you..." Cassie sighed, suddenly feeling stupid for not recognizing what was going on. "Oh my god. Oh my god! You think she's hot."

"Shh!" Sophie tried to shut her up. "I mean, yes, but-"

"Ah," Cassie squealed excitedly, "Oh my god, you guys would be so cute together and-"

"So here..." Julia abruptly turned around, causing Cassie to quickly shut her mouth. "Did I interrupt something?"

"No, nope carry on," Cassie told her.

Julia turned back around pointing out all the drinks they had, ranging from cheap beer to even cheaper tequila. Jess rolled his eyes the entire time she was talking, the smell in the room alone making him nauseous.

"I think this bottle's for me," Cassie smiled as she grabbed the disgustingly cheap tequila.

"Need a cup?" Julia held up a red plastic cup, but Cassie just gave her a confused look. "My mistake, no cup."

Cassie lifted the bottle, taking a swig of the drink. Despite how terrible it was she smiled, suddenly realizing how much she missed the feeling this drink gave her. The relief on her face was noticeable to all around her.

"Who's next?" Cassie asked as she struggled to keep the drink down. "Jess?"


"I'll take that," Sophie announced, taking a sip that wasn't even half as big as the drink Cassie had. Sophie gave the bottle back to Cassie, something she immediately regretted.

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