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{Author's Note}

This one is probably gonna be short. It's just them making the video and a spicy scene. I have no more ideas. Please give me some! D:






[Sebastian's POV]


I wake up to Ryan's comforting voice

"Hey, wake up"

"Hmm.." I say tiredly

"We have a meeting, wake up." He says in a soft voice

"Ok.." I say

We get up and go downstairs


Everyone is now downstairs

"Ok the first activity we're gonna do is drink or dare." Oli says. "Then the first to pull away challenge and pass the card challenge for the try not to kiss" "lastly we're gonna do kiss or slap: spin the bottle."

"Ok" I say

"Let's some time to do our morning routine before recording" Oli says

<Time skip to 11:32AM>

[Darren's POV]

"Everyone it's time to start recording!" Oli calls out

<After they record cuz my ass is lazy>


"Bro ya'll were way to violent with the slapping" Justin says. "My face fuckin hurts now"

"Your fine Justin" I say as I snake my hands around his waist. I hug him and rest my head on his shoulder

"Y'know JP," Regie says. "I realize how short you are"

"Fuck u bruh" Justin says

Everyone starts laughing

"You guys are so mean, tf" Justin continues

"Sorry." Regie says

"I feel like streaming now" Justin says. "Darren wanna join?" He asks me

"Uh, sure" I say

<After the stream>


"I'm tired" Justin says to me. "But I also wanna annoy you"

"Go ahead and try" I say. "I have some things to do but go and try," "it's not gonna work."

"Alright" He says. "Don't be surprised."

<Some time later>


In Justin's room

So far Justin hasn't annoyed me one bit at all this evening. That's weird... Then all of a sudden Justin pops out of no where

"Hey Darren, hey Darren, hey Darren, hey Darren" he says and still continuing to say it

He was starting to irritate me a little

"Love can you stop?" I ask

"Mmm, no" he says. Then he continues to say "Hey, Darren" over and over. Now I'm annoyed and he's on my last nerve. I put my hand on his neck and pin him to the wall.

[3rd POV]

"You need to stop, my love." Darren says. "Your starting to annoy me." "Now be a dear and shut up"

"Why should I?" Justin says teasing him

Darren squeezes Justin's neck a little

"Because I said so." Darren says more pissed. "Now shut up. And if you do it again, your punishment will be more severe."

He lets go of Justin's neck and continues working

"More severe you say?" Justin asks. "If you say so."

"HEY DARREN-" He says one last time.








Told you it would be short. I have ideas for the next two chapters but after that I need some ideas D: (Ty for reading!)


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