Episode 1, Part Two - Star Level Test

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"You have such amazing dancing abilities!" Star Master Lip J complimented as Lune bowed to say thank you as he was still slightly breathless. "The fact you were able to stay so stable whilst dancing so well and keeping the energy up is incredible," She further complimented.

"Anyway to get to the part you were waiting for. Your star level ranking,"

The minute these words were said the room went tense with many trainees expecting Lune to be ranked as all star however the result laid in the judges hands and they seemed to be very unpredictable when it comes to the all star rankings so he could only hope he did well enough in their eyes.

"You are..."

Lune ever so slightly shuffled on his feet anxiously awaiting his result despite his somewhat confident attitude when he entered on to the stage.

"...An all star"

He sighed and looked down in relief, glad to have managed to impress the judges and to get a good ranking at his first performance. The other trainees seemed to have agreed with his ranking too considering their reactions mainly consisting of cheering and nodding to the person next to them while muttering.

Lune did one last bow to the star masters and exited the stage making his way up to the ranking podium where he walked up the levels and sat on a chair with the number 25 on it. Others seemed to be shocked with his decision saying he should sit in one of the top 9 spots. However he was perfectly fine with where he ranked himself still keeping the same 'I still have room to improve and prove myself' mentality he had at the start cause he definitely did not want to come off as over confident to the very people who would decide his fate in the show.

Now part one was over.

He just had to keep this momentum in his future performances where his skill would be a lethal part in surviving and standing out among the others.

Because now the real test begun.

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