a wave of flirting

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y/n's pov

I wake up with a raging headache, I spread my arms just to hit something, "you're already pushing me out?" Jeremiah laughs with a morning voice, shit, he sounded hot.

"why are you in my bed?" I ask him, ignoring how hot he sounded.

I opened my eyes and adjusted to the light in the room, "actually, you're in my room." I looked around, "well why am I in you're bed?" suddenly I was scared. I looked down and let out a sigh of relief, I had clothes.

"we didn't hook up don't worry, though-" I cut him off by smacking his arm.

"shit, my head hurts so bad." I said holding my head.

jeremiah slowly got out of bed, "I know the perfect remedy, stay here I'll bring it." he gave me his signature grin. "mhm okay" I already forgot what we were talking about and fell back asleep.

"what" I mumbled as someone shook me awake, it was jeremiah, "here, drink. It will help, it's my hangover smoothie, con is also having one downstairs." he handed me the green substance.

"thank you" I said softly, not being able to talk above a whisper, just when I took my first sip I realized, "oh shit. i'm working with you as a lifeguard!" I yelled after seeing jeremiah in his lifeguard attire.

I downed the drink and ran to my room to change.

after I showered in less than three minutes, which had to be record time by the way, I rushed to put on my clothes, I brushed my hair quickly and went downstairs, where everyone was in the living room.

"oh there's my other beautiful debutante!" sussanah hugged me before i could even speak, last night before we left for the bonfire, i accpeted the invite. i don't know why, it would make sussanah happy, and who could refuse her.

steven fake gagged, "that thing is also going to be a deb?" he pointed at me.

"says the troll." I pinched my nose shut and pretended to wave away his smell.

sussanah smiled brightly, "we have lots of shopping to do! but since you're working, i'll go with belly this morning, and in the afternoon, after your shift, it's your turn!" she clapped in her hands.

"me, steven, and jeremiah better get going, we wouldn't want to be late for our first day, would we boys?" I laughed trying to take the attention off of me.

we waved at our moms before leaving, and we decided it'd be best if we all rode together, i called shotgun and sat in the front of jeremiah's red jeep, steven sat in the back like a child, and jeremiah drove.

"i'm gonna make so much money off those boomers!" steven laughed

i looked over my shoulder at him, "well i'll have a nice tan, you can't say the same, you're almost edward cullen!" i laughed, jeremiah laughing along while steven pouted.

we arrived at the country club, steven went off to his thing and jeremiah started walking towards the pool.

"i bet this is going to be so fun!" jeremiah said excitedly, he was like a puppy.

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after an hour or two of sitting on the lifeguard chair and talking to different people, jeremiah and i got the hang of it, we could name the troublemakers, the moms, and even the girls who were here only to tan.

"hey jeremiah" i heard gigi say to jeremiah

she pulled up her swimsuit, "i didn't know you were working here this summer" gigi remarked in her high-pitched voice.

waiting for the waves || jeremiah x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now