The Date

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       "Are you ready?" He asks with a smirk. He looked me up and down and bit his lip. I blushed and mumbled a quick "yeah". He smiled and grabbed me by my waist, leading me to his motorcycle. I sat down and grabbed onto his waist. "Where are we going?" I asked him. "It's a secret." He winked, before putting his helmet on. He started up the motorcycle and drove off. I looked around as we were driving and saw places I had never seen before. I saw a vast Outlet that had so many stores and restaurants. 

     We slowed down, and I realized that our date was going to be in the Outlet. Dream parked the motorcycle and we got off. "So, where are we going first?" I asked him, trying to hide my excitement. "Well, I was thinking we could go to the sushi restaurant first, and then we could go to random shops afterward." He answered. We began walking over to the restaurant when suddenly, Dream grabbed my hand. We kept on walking for a while, hand in hand until we arrived in front of the sushi restaurant. I read the sign and it read: Sake Cafe 

     We walked in, and a waiter immediately appeared in front of us. "May I take you to your table?" He asked us. We both nodded and followed him over to the outside part of the restaurant. He placed two menus down and smiled.  "I'll be back when you both are ready to order." He smiled once again, before leaving to another table to get their order. 

      Dream pulled out a chair for me and pushed it back in once I sat down. He sat down as well, and I opened up my menu. We sat in silence for a while, thinking about what we were going to eat until I heard the waiter walking towards us. "Are you two ready to order your drinks yet?" He asked. "I'll have water," I began. Then Dream spoke up "I'll have a piña colada". "Okay, I'll be back soon with your drinks, and then you can order your food." The waiter smiled at us once again. 

     "I've never seen your parents around..." Dream began. "Oh, well, actually, my parents died when I was four years old." I started, my eyes almost watering. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I had no idea.." He started apologizing. "No no, it's okay..." I blinked the tears away. "I-i-i don't remember them that well," I said. "They must have been angels, giving birth to something like you." He smiles. "My mom gave me my insane Converse collection" I giggled. Then, in the corner of my eye, I saw the waiter coming back with our drinks. 

I started fidgeting with my menu flipping through the pages, trying to figure out what I wanted before the waiter got there. The waiter arrived before I could figure out what I wanted, but Dream spoke out expertly and asked for an order of spring rolls for the table. How did he know I wanted spring rolls? I sheepishly thanked the waiter, then I turned to look at Dream with a question in my eyes. "How did you know that I wanted spring rolls?" I demanded. "I don't know, I guess you can say, I know what the ladies want." He replied, smugly. I roll my eyes at his arrogant reply.

He grabs a napkin and starts folding it while asking me to get crayons from the waiter. I return to the table with crayons in my hand and see Dream with a fortune teller in his hand, patiently waiting for the crayons. I start giggling when Dream asks, stifling a laugh "What's so funny?" I hand him the crayons, almost bursting out laughing. Dream pouts, jutting out his lower lip. I almost fall out of my seat, seeing his lip jutting out his lip like that. Dream bursts out laughing, seeing the water start to sting my eyes from holding in my laughter. We get strange looks from all around the restaurant, but we don't care because we're having the time of our lives.

He finally retrieves the crayons from the table and starts scribbling numbers and colors onto the napkin he folded. I try looking over his arms to see what he's scribblings, but he shoves his hand in my face and says, "No peaking!". I start giggling when I see a waitress coming back with our spring rolls. "Sorry for the wait, here are your spring rolls. Let me know if you need anything else" She smiles at us and I whisper a thank you before she practically disappears. Dream straightens out his back and says "Done!". I try to reach for a spring roll before my hand is harshly slapped away. "Ah-ah-ah!" Then he shoves the fortune teller in my face. "R-red!" I stutter. "R-E-D, pick a number," he says. "T-two" I reply. "Pick another number" he demands. "Eight" "Okay," he looks at it and whispers a quick yes to himself, "It says "Let me feed you."

I look at the paper and then look at him. Paper, him, paper, him, paper, him. Then I finally reach a conclusion. I sigh and say "Fine". He grins and drops the fortune teller, then reaches his hand over to grab one of the transparent spring rolls in front of us. He dips it in the peanut sauce and brings it close to my mouth. "Say "aaaaah" He teases, I look at him with hatred in my eyes and reluctantly open my mouth. He finally puts the sweet shrimp spring roll in my mouth. I start chewing and he looks at me with anticipation, as if expecting something. I look at him finishing my bite and see he's still expecting something. As if trying to give me a hint he looks back at the plate, then me. Plate, me, plate, me, plate, me. I finally pick up that he wants me to feed him. I hesitantly approach the plate, grabbed a spring roll, dipped it into the peanut sauce, and I brought it up to his mouth. I waited for him to eat it but he didn't, he just sat there, staring at me with that same expectant grin on his face. He opens his mouth, but as I bring the spring roll closer to his mouth, he moves his head back, dodging it. He starts mouthing something to me, but it takes me a few tries to understand what he's trying to say, but I finally understood. "Say aaaaah" I say reluctantly.

He jumps forward at practically bites the spring roll out of my hand. We both finished our plate of spring rolls, then the waitress takes our plate and asks us what we want for our entree. Dream speaks out first and orders a plate of shrimp. The waitress nods and turns to me. I tell her I want an order of California rolls. She writes it down in her notebook and walks away. We started talking when all of a sudden the waitress came back with our food. Dream looked at his watch and he looked surprised. "We've been talking for 45 minutes!" he exclaims. I look around the restaurant, and I see that a lot of people came. I see that there's a long line of people, waiting to be seated. I tell Dream that we need to hurry up and leave, so we finish our food quickly and pay.

We started walking back to his motorcycle when suddenly the guilt of making us leave early hit me. I looked around the Outlet and saw an ice cream shop. "Hey, we should get ice cream before we leave," I tell him excitedly. He agrees, and we walk over to the ice cream shop, and see that there isn't a line. We walk up to the front and order. I order a scoop of cotton candy ice cream. Dream orders a scoop of Snickerdoodle. We get our ice cream and we walk over to the motorcycle. We get on with our ice cream still in our hands and start driving me home while we eat our ice cream. When we get home, the only remains of the ice cream were the cone and the few drops that fell on the ride home. Dream walks me to my doorstep and kisses me goodbye passionately. He starts to walk back to his motorcycle before I run over to him and grab him by the wrist to kiss him again.


Author's note: Sorry for the hiatus, I had a lot of testing and it was very stressful. But, I'm back now and I won't post as often :( 

Thank you so much for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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