Chapter 2: the meeting

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I looked arond at the other boys in the room. Apart from me there were 6 other boys in the room. Although one caught my eye more than others. He was tall. Over 6ft easily. And handsome.

I looked at the table and sat on the floor on leaning on the wall.

My stomach rearly hurt from eaelier and my back did to.

"Hey Kim why you on the floor?," A tall figure said standing over me." There are chairs right here."

"I know there is its just a thing." I said.

"What thing?" Another one said this one I recognised Sim Jake.

"Watch it Sim its non of your buisness." I snaped back. I supprised myself with how I was responding.

"Tipical Kim family behaviour," Jake said." All of them are so rude and have no manners."

"Well if your rearly so invested in my whole life and family I might aswell." I said anoyed.

"Well go on then." Jake said.

"Well Jake maybe because your parents let you do what you wanted when you were younger you never heared of a punishment," I said " when ever I did something I wasnt suppost to I was kicked in a room and could only sit on the floor. If I wanted dinner that night I would sit still for hours on air. A single noise from me ment I didnt eat. So dont go assuming things about me or my family."

Everyone looked shocked.

"I knew they punished you but I didnt expect it to be like that." The boy that caught my eye said

"Please thats not even that bad compared to some of them." I said.

"So what are some of the worse ones?" The first boy said.

"Well there was always not being able to sleep for a week where your constantly working without coffee, having to test a torture device from the middle ages. Oh and I cant forget about being thrown against the wall and being kicked afteward." I said.

Everybody looked at me like they had never heared of those punishments.

We were all silent.

"Well that was.. wonderfull Sunoo but we should probably get to know eachother as the doors been locked." Jungwon said.

"Good idea." I said while standing up.

I sat at the table. Eveeybody else following.

I was sat between Jungwon and some other person who didnt speak eailier.

"We should introduce ourselfes." A brown haired male said.

We all nodded the male sat to my left spoke up. "We should go around anti-clockwise. I'll start."

Everybody nodded.

"Im Lee Heesung. The only child of the Lee family. Nice to meet you all." He said.

"Hello. Im Sim Jake. The only child of the Sim family. Its nice to meet some of you." He said side-eyeing me at the end of it.

"Hi. Im Nishimura Riki but you can call me Ni-ki. Its nice to meet you." 

"Hello. I am Park Jay and this is my twin brother Park Sunghoon. Im the elder out of the two of us. Its nice to meet you all."

"Hello! Im Yang Jungwon and Im the youngest child of the Yang family. My twin brother wasnt able to make it today so Im here instead."

"Hello. Im Kim Sunoo. The middle child of the Kim family. Im only here because my brother wanted a reason to sleep in today. Nice to meet you."

"What now." Sunghoon asked.

"A fact about ourselfes?" Jungwin suggested.

We all nodded.

We went around clockwise this time. Although I always ended up going last. I was enjoying meeting them.

Yet that didnt last forever though.

The door was opened by the reseptionest.

"Please may you all follow me." She said.

We all got up and followed her. She lead up into a dark room. She told each of us where so stand and then left us.

As soon as she left the lights were turned on.

I saw Jungwon drift away.

"Won!" I shouted. Everybody looked at me. "Hes drifting away!" I said pointing.

The turned again and saw it.

"Sun!" He shouted.

"Won!" I shouted back.

The lights flashed red 3 times before going black again.

Seconds later they turned back on.

But Jungwon wasnt in sight.

"Where has he gone?" Jay asked.

There was no reply. No body knew anyways.

"Welcome players."

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