Chapter 1

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4th January

„Hey Max how are you?" I ask my best friend over the phone.

„Great and you?" „me too, would you like to meet up again sometime?" „I don't know we'll see, can I call you back? I'm streaming and a friend of mine is at my place" „okay sure talk to you soon." And with that he hangs up.

Suddenly I hear how the door swings open and my Boyfriend Lars walks in.

,,who were you talking to?'' He asks and stands in the doorframe.

,,just Max we talked about seeing eachother sometime since we haven't seen eachother since a long time now.''

„why?" Lars asks and looks at me.

„What do you mean why?" „I'm your boyfriend" comes from him.

„I'm friends with Max I don't understand??" Confused I look at him.

„i just don't like it that someone in a relationship is doing something with other dudes." ,,Lars! Max and I are FRIENDS! We would never have something! I would never do that in a relationship and you wouldn't do that either right?'' On that he doesn't answer me.

,,right?'' I ask Lars again but he also doesn't answer the second time.

„who was it?" Bring i out and look at him with small tears forming.

„Carol" answers my boyfriend with no guilt in his eyes.

„MY BEST FRIEND!? Are you fucking serious right now?! That's it I'm leaving."

„No! You won't!!" Angrily he picks up a vase and throws it my way.

I wince to the side and the vase shattered on the wall but not without that shards are  scratching my face.

Shortly I touch my cheek and as I looked on my fingers to see that I'm bleeding.

„Fuck you!" Is the last thing I say before storming in our bedroom to pack my necessary things.

There's only one place where I know that I can stay hopefully even if he's not alone...

I pack All my things in my bag before I go again downstairs and out of the house in which I live since one year.

before i begin to walk I blocked Lars's and Carols number immediately.

His house is 2km away so i walked a little.

Halfway there it started to rain pretty heavily.

With my bag I walked as fast as i could, to the front door until then my clothes were soaking wet.

great even the weather is shit why the fuck is my life so fucked up?!

Fast I pressed the doorbell with the name Fewtrell on it.

I don't have to wait to long till the door swings open.

„y/n? You okay?" „c-can I come in?" I ask and look him in his eyes.

„of course! Come on in." With that Max opens the door wider to let me in.

In the corridor I place my bag on the ground.

„everything okay? Where does the scratches come from? And why are you soaking wet? We called each other one and a half hour ago what happened?" He asks and looks at me a bit closer.

„he threw a vase at me a-and he slept with Carol a-and-" I tell and immediately feel a tear making its way down my cheek.

„that asshole!" My best friend interrupts me and pulls me in a hug without realising that I'm probably making him wet too.

He's my Best friends friend (LN4)Where stories live. Discover now