Waking Up

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" Mistress Rita, lunch is ready ", I heard the familiar sound of Tilly say.

I look up from the book I was reading my grey eyes locking on the little house elf Infront of me. Yea you heard me a freaking house elf  " I will be there in a minute Tilly and thank you for letting me know ", I said a soft smile on face.

Tilly smiles back before leaving again with a silent pop.

I look back down feeling sad that I would have to leave my precious book behind " Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them", but food calls. I put a page marker in-between before getting up and making my way towards the dining room. 

You might be wondering,
A house elf ?,
Wait who are you?
Or maybe you just don't care  about my past and just want to hear about my current life, Well let me tell you anyway.

my name used to be Aquila Lenovo ,I used to live in London  with my pet cat Lucas I had everything back then a stable job, a loving family sure I never got married but I was still 25 I was young I thought i had time that everything would solve it self every thing was perfect . . .well for me , until  it wasn't .

It was on Halloween and every harry potter fan knows what that entails.

I was doing grocery shopping when I had this major headache and passed out. I was taken to the hospital where I was told I was dying. I didn't understand at first I was perfectly fine I felt great actually but the doctors said that the symptoms where there that one day one of my organs will stop working and it will keep happening until finally my brain just stops.

My parents were devastated heck I was devastated my life plan everything I have worked for gone just like that because of some stupid sickness I got but we didn't give up.

My parents tried to get me to try different treatments each one being more expensive then the next but we soon had no money so they started selling their car, my car, my home. They were going to sell their home too but that's when I  put my shoe down. I had refused to let them sell the home i grew up in the house which housed the only memory of my younger brother Elliot, he had died in a car crash when he was eleven, I was twelve I felt like I had lost the other peace of my soul back then. I knew  nothing was going to work at this point half my body had already fallen. So at least I wanted them to have a home to live in, a reminder of both the kids  they lost, even if it was painful.

It was pure agony going through the pain everytime a body part shuts down, I still had one kidney, my heart, mouth, right hand and Brain still working but I knew it was just a matter of time.

I had wondered sometimes laying in the hospital bed. why I was going through such pain? Had I been such a horrible person? Do I really deserve such a fate ?  But even so I never wished for anyone to go throw what I did, I wouldn't let anyone take the pain for me even for a minute cause that would be too cruel, even if it saved me.

I used to spend my time in the hospital reading books reminiscing my childhood days reading books like the hobbit, harry potter, watching a bunch of movies mostly comedy anything to make my self feel a little more happy.

It was on July 31 the day harry Potter was born, that I died, I was surrounded by my loved ones and nurses who where there taking care of me through out the journey, I could feel the rest of my body falling I knew it was the end.

I remember how my mom held my left hand my dad the right, the man and women who gave me the world.  I looked into their eyes tears falling, throat dry as I said , " I am scared " I my mom crying louder, " but I want it to stop, I want to go ", my dad breaking down beside her.

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