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Okay, I just wrote this randomly at school during a free period and with all honesty I'm not sure what this could be yet, but I just wanted to post it cuz it seemed okay. I don't expect it to be read but if it is can the people reading comment on it and tell me what they think? Should I continue with it? Does it sound boring? How should I continue? What do you want it to be about? Just tell me your true, honest thoughts if you read! Being a writer consist of knowing what your readers want, so that means YOU, the READER, have to tell me, the WRITER, what YOU want, cuz I have no clue what yall are thinkin most of the time lol. Much appreciation. :]


“…4, 5, 6.”  It was dark in the closet as Liana cuddled herself against the hard wooden door. She held tightly onto the Moon Drop bouquet that her mother had given her. She sat there in the dark pool of something that was warm at first, but was now cold and smelled strongly of metal, that had spilled from under the crack in the door. She stared at the back wall of the dark closet and counted the six small spots of light that had been made when she heard popping and cracking above her head, followed by a cry of pain, then a loud thud. Soon after that the warm stuff had started to pour under the door and soak through her dress. She went over the words that she could remember her mother saying before she had put her into the closet.

She was happily playing in her parent’s room, stumbling back and forth in front of the bed in her mother’s high heels when she heard the crash come from down the hall. Her mother rushed in and Liana smiled brightly, ready to show her how she was becoming a big girl and could walk in big girl shoes, but her mother’s expression, full of terror, quickly wiped that bright smile away. Her mother slowly eased the door closed, locked it, and turned to Liana in one swift motion.

“Liana, my little Lia. Can you do something for mommy?” Her mother bent, forced a less-than-reassuring smile, and gripped Liana’s  shoulders firmly, looking her straight in the eyes. Liana stared past her mother’s shoulders at her parents’ bedroom door, watching as the doorknob jerked, then her father’s voice roared through, making her mother’s grip tighten. “Go hide in mommy’s closet okay? Take these with you and whatever you do, don’t come out unless I tell you to, okay?” She handed Liana a small bouquet of deep blue flowers with a gold ribbon tied around the stems to keep them together. Liana stared at the bunched up flowers’ shiny, blue petals and dark green stems, then she wrapped her small fingers around the stems under the soft, shiny  ribbon and pressed the flowers to her chest. Her mother continued to smiled weakly then softly nudged her into the closet, kissed her cheek and, before closing the door behind her, turned the lock on the knob.

Liana pressed her small face into the flowers and began to sing softly like her mother normally did when she felt too afraid to go to sleep;

“Go to sleep my baby

Close your pretty eyes

Angels up above you

Look down on you from the sky.”

She could hear the angry yelling and screams, and then she shut her eyes and began to rock back and forth, along with her singing. She barely heard the sharp cracks coming through the door above her head as well as the thud that followed. But she did feel the warmness pooling under her and she felt safer, like her mother was holding her after she had a nightmare, and her singing slowed and became nothing more than a whisper, until she wasn’t even singing at all. Now, as she sat in silence, the warm pool now cold, she reached down and touched it, bringing it up to one of the holes of light. It was a rusty maroon color covering her small hand, and she knew, even at the age of six, what it was…

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2011 ⏰

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