'Are you feeling okay?'

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Miku pov

I opened the door to one of the classrooms to see Ichika on the floor. My eyes slightly widened as I rushed over to her, putting my hand on her shoulder as she flinched. "stop touching.." the girl mumbled, she was hitting herself on the head. *Ichika.? whats wrong?* No answer. *are you alright.?* Still no answer. Ichika started stomp. "stop touching.!" I took my hand off her shoulder. *I'll be back..okay.?*
yk that transport phone thingy. yeah. It's honamis phone okay let's continue on with the fanfic.

'..miku? You look frantic did something happen?' the girl asked, picking up her phone. *uhm..somethings up with Ichika..she's in the sekai and she's curled up in a ball..I don't know how else to explain it but she seems upset..* 'okay, I'll be right there..'

I quickly went to sekai, seeing Ichika like this had always broke my heart. 'Dont hit yourself dear..' I sat down next to her, gently grabbing her wrist flinching as she shook her head. 'you don't wanna touch right now?' "Mm mm!" 'sh..okay okay..what's the matter dear?' "everything is so bright and my clothes feel so uncomfortable I don't like it!" She looked up at me tears still streaming down her face. 'Cover your eyes if it's bright okay? I'll turn off the lights for you.' I got up, turning off the lights. 'is that better?' I heard her mumble something, though I couldn't hear her. "school..and practice.." she spoke up as I sat down next to her keeping a bit of distance. 'what about it?' "school..was loud..I didn't have my headphones..and everything felt so close.." she started to bite on her sleeves. 'is that why you were covering your ears during lunch?' She nodded. "saki and a few people were talking to me and sometimes they'd put their hand on my shoulder..and saki hugged me but I didn't like it today.." 'it's okay to feel that way..and what was wrong with practice?' "It was just school and it affected..practice it was really loud.." 'why didn't you tell us dear?' I was worried about her, the last time she was like this was in middle school but I wasn't there for her then. "we were practicing.." 'you can always tell us if your overwhelmed, okay? How about we can go get icecream at that place you like with the others?' She nodded. "I want my headphones..and my sketchbook.." 'okay, I'll call them and you can go get the things you want okay?' "mhm.." I watched as Ichika left sekai, calling Shiho and saki. "Hi Hona! Whatcha need?" 'I wanted to know if you both wanted to go get icecream with me and ichika?' "Mhm, everything okay?" Had I really sounded so worried saki noticed? 'Just..meet me in sekai, okay?' 'Got it.' as soon as I hung up Ichika was back. 'You have everyting?' "mhm.." 'still don't wanna touch right?' "hold my hand.." 'huh?' "Only you.." 'okay dear..' I held her hand, brushing my thumb against it. Shiho and saki soon appeared "Hi Honami, hi Ichika!!" Ichika started to hit her arm, I grabbed her other hand. Shiho immediately took notice of that. 'Be a bit quieter saki.' "Oh-! Uhm..sorry!" She whisper yelled.

"What flavor are you guys gonna get??" 'probably vanilla..' "why so boring shiho.. 'Youre literally getting birthday cake..what's the difference.?' "Uhm-" 'That's what I thought.' 'well..I'm getting strawberry since it just tastes good..' ichika tapped on shihos shoulder 'hm?' "can I get vanilla?" 'sure, don't see why not.' Shiho ordered the icecream and once we got it we sat down. "can I put on my headphones..it's loud.." "mhm! Whatever makes you comfortable!" Ichika flinched at saki yelling putting on her headphones. after a minute or two of silence saki spoke up. "What happened with ichi.." Right..never told them. 'Miku found her and told me about it. I've never seen her this bad though..' Shiho sighed "she was acting off this morning..she seemed stressed out.." "she told me it was school since it was too loud today." "Yeah, there was a lot going on todsy..there was so much drama between these two girls in our class and it was kind of interesting..but they were really loud and overwhelming about it." 'my class is pretty quiet most of the time.' "because you're class has calm people in it!" 'minori is calm to you?' "..maybe. Oo oo honami can we go to your house after this??" 'My house.? Uhm..sure..' I didn't expect them to want to go to my house out of all places..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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