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again this satire this is based of me and daps experience of reading smut on youtube for 5 years😭🥺🤞😝
we are now finishing this btw and its june 17 and we are leaving in a few hours and zb1 debuted so theres actually probably a lot of boys planet references in here still so Lol


he hovered over her, showering her with kisses. she didn't feel trapped, more like comforted. she enjoyed the pleasure of his kisses, but again, he was only a stranger.

he was back to kissing her lips, trying her part her lips with his tongue, clearly asking her for an entrance. willingly, she parted her lips, and his tongue explored her mouth. slowly, she started unbuttoning her blouse, revealing her chest. coming to a stop, he stared at her.

"what..why did you stop?" y/n asked.

"that was my job." he growled loudly like an alpha male like people make ricky in those weird new ao3 stories.

"whatever, you can do the bottom half i guess." y/n shrugged, not caring anymore.

"ok.." jungcock smirked.

he slapped her fat ass and thought to himself, 'DAMN!!! DO IT JIGGLE FOR REAL...'

not rushing, but quickly, he pulled her shirt over his head, and unclapsed her bra after.

it was getting so steamy that jelly pop lyrics started replaying in their head.

wdrk what to type for this part so just imagine those stupid jungcock youtube smuts
And daphnes keeps whimpering in my ear so its so weird

the end this story is not very good anyway Jula Is so excited for Camp Zerobaseone and daphne is worried about her stupid fake boyfriend texting her on discord so yeah.

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