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A/n: it would be better if you read the first book first to understand much of the story though.

2 years ago.

"Y/n L/n, you are currently called by Furry in the meeting room. " Friday said as Y/n got ready to go there. She didn't want to miss a minute late despite of how Furry hated that.

She wore an outfit that would suit for her new role in SHIELD. Apparently, after being the most skilled agent in the organization, she was now being called for her new position. She's been working for shield for over 8 Years. (Age: 22)

(Your bg will be told as the story goes on.)

After she got her boots on, she quickly went to the meeting room as to where she guessed the Avengers were.

When she entered the room, everyone was seated. She bowed down and Furry gave her a signal to 'sit the fuck down' kind of face and so she did. She had gotten used to his tongue of language so she just followed. She kept a poker face on as she had gotten nervous around the Avengers, she had never come up to them up close except for Tony,Bruce and Nat that is.

"Well, then. Where's Loki?" Furry asked.

"He's in Asgard sir. He left this morning. " Natasha responded.

"And no one bothered to fucking tell me? " Furry said.

"It's fine, just.. " he sighed before continuing.

"Anyways, as you all know by now, Natasha had sent me an idea of putting Y/n in the Avengers. This is Y/n L/n. And yes.. Her name is exactly like Y/n Lucent. I'd like someone to help her get on a tour of Tony's tower and to her room. How long is Loki staying in Asgard? "

"For about a week or two" Thor responded.

"Alright, Y/n you'll take Lokis room for now as he is in what planet and Tony, get the lady her room before Loki comes back. " furry says and ends the meeting.

That's how mainly Furry makes his meetings, short but meaningful meeting. Tch, he was a great boss.

"Sir I'd like to ask something if may I. " Y/n asked

"Get on with it" Furry responded as he was taking his stuff off the table and walked off as Y/n followed him.

"What is this now position of mine..? You haven't really mentioned it towards me sir. "

"You'll be a starting Avenger. As a shield leader, ___ will now take on with the other shield agents youve been training for the past 6 months. "

Y/ns eyes slowly widened.

"Now hurry up and get Tony to give you a tour. " she nodded and turned to walk away.

She had found Tony and walked up to him.

"Yes? " Tony asked.

"Sir asked me to ask you for a tour Mr. Stark. " he looked at her quite weirdly before chuckling.

"I like the name, but please. Just call me Tony or Stark. Id be glad. And by sir I'm guessing you meant Furry? " Y/n nodded.

"Well then, come on now. " after about 2 hours of giving Y/n a tour, they had discussed about the schedule.

"So, since your new here, Nat which you probably know since then will train you at the clock of 8:30 am, don't be late at the training room. Lunch is 12,dinner is 8 or 9. And the rest of the day will be yours if your lucky to not have a mission. "

Y/ns preview

I nodded and went to my for now room. The room was actually quite nice. It was more nature-ish and had most likely the most beautiful paintings and books I've ever seen. I didn't want to move things nor touch things too much as I might get the owner of this room angry. Other than the bed I I'll use. But maybe exploring stuff won't hurt.

I looked mostly at the books Loki has been reading. I know Loki since he once shot me.

"Kneel before me. "

"KNEEL!!!" this man with black hair said which I supposed was Loki. I was in jeans and a t-shirt of my favorite with my friend that had the same. She was the only person who actually helped me with my abilities and powers.

I wispered to my friend.

"Hey, have you informed the police yet? "

"Yes, the Avengers team is coming here soon. But for now we need to protect these people. " my friend responded with worries in her eyes.

Suddenly an old man stood up.

"No, I will never kneel to men like you. " the old man said.

"There are no men like me." Loki responded with a smirk on his face.

"Let the man be an example. " Loki said once more until I realized he was about to shoot the old man. Me and my friend was actually near him which helped quite a lot to easily kick his feet and bring him to the ground. With the lowest effort of my powers, I swifted my hand and a big symbol appeared right below us. I made a cell of magic that only I can enter, I can exit and only I can take it off.

But before I could do one more magic to keep him down, he shot me far in exactly into my heart. Tears formed into my eyes as I felt the pain of my heart.. With a little bit more of my powers, I saw the Avengers enter the scene and made my magic disappear. As I hit the wall, I slowly fell down and some people looked at me worriedly. I gave them a sign to run away quickly and many of them did. I layed down on the ground as I feel my heart separate from my body..

Oh how that memory had been haunting me for the past days..months and years, and guess what age I was the time? 7. I'm still wondering how Stark gave me a new heart to survive. Not even a normal heart.. A robot kind of heart. He made me a well functional heart ever since I was 6, it had been put inside of me after the scene. After then, Furry asked where I lived and I said I was homeless. He kind of adopted me and trained me to be an agent in the right age.

Basically, with my new kind of heart no one can hear my heart beat. I don't even have emotions but inside of me I do. I want to fix it so badly but I can't. The only emotion I found was interest. Everytime I was interested with something I'd always get closer to it or with it.

I laid down on my bed putting my right hand to my heart remembering of what happened. I guess that's what you can call a heartless person.

It was only 3:00 pm and it already turned 8:00 to what I felt like minutes as I stared at the ceiling as the darkness continued to come forward.

I had only realized the time when a robotic voice called me

"Ms. Y/n, I'm Jarvis, Tony Stark is calling you for dinner. "

"Please just call me Y/n. I'll be coming. "

"Of course Y/n, " with that I stood up and left the room quite stretching.

I made it to the dining room and nearly everyone was seated. The only ones who aren't was Thor, Clint, and Sam.

"Oh your here! I'm Sam! " Sam happily said with a hand open.

"Y/n." I shook his hand for a few seconds then let go.

"I see not much of a talking person eh? Well then! We're having spaghetti for today by the way" Sam smiled as I sat down right beside Natasha.

After getting the food cooked, everyone sat down and we all ate. The only thing that I wasn't allowed was to drink. Which I hated quite alot.

"Oh and guys, just a reminder Y/n can't drink anything liquid, so be careful of what you cook"

"Oh, why? " Clint asked.

"Haven't you heard? You were there that time. How could you forget? " Tony responded.

"It was my greatest invention. "

"Stark.. If they don't know please don't tell them. Especially Loki. I doubt he even remembers me. "

"Though, we'd like to tell you stories about someone tomorrow. So you'll start your training with Nat on Monday. Got it? " Clint said.

I nodded. Maybe it was that Lucent girl who also had the exact name as mine.

Words: 1441

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