part 3 kions past 1/3

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As kion was slicing the heads off he decided to reflex on his past

He didn't have a lot of friens.He's best was a black market merchant who kept him away from bullies.He always has the look of death in his eyes.Kion wish he could see him again.Every time he visited him he always hear lines like got some rare things on sale stranger"(hope u guys know the re4)the merchant is the one who thought kion how to kill without making a sound.k8on would be did if it wasn't for him,then there is fuli the cheetah and Ono the egret they did help him along but not as mutch as the merchant

I know this chapter is short but when I was writing this part in draft I forgot to save and I am not gonna write the 500 words I I am gonna split this into 3 parts.the next 2 u might want to skip if u have nightmares easy

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