part 1

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"They ignored me.Negleted me but no more , I will get my revenge and that is a promise if it's the last thing I do.They will see."says the lonely young cub walking through the outlands

The cub envenuly found a cave and decided to stay there the rest of the night.he calls into the cave making sure there is no surprise waiting for him there.

He gets no response.As he enters he suddenly gets picked up and and thrown to the back of the cave which a loud THUD and a SNAP followed after

"Well well well what does such a lonely cub doing so deep in the outlands."A deep tone voice replies.

"My name is kion and why i am here is none of your business freak."Kion says why looking at him self for wounds and notice 4 broken ribs have pierced through his torso.

"Well I am making it my business cub.Now listen here,I can easily cut of your male parts and sell you to some tigers I know,or I can just do THIS."

He says after he jams his claw in kions left eye.However because of all the abuse kion got that barely even staggers him.Kion then provides to do the same but instead of targeting the eye like the lepord he stays him in the neck.

The leopard rips his paw out of kions eye when kion started twisting the claw in the leopards neck while laughing at him."U should have stayed silent while u had the chance."

He then rips the claw out and watch the lepord die knowing this is only the bigging.

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