"What, is a hundred years too long for you?" He sneered, and no one dared to move at the table.

"No, High Lord." I said, protecting myself and my husband to be. Beron was already my enemy, but I'd rather stay in the house above than the dungeon below.

Beron laughed, standing up. "She'll be a good wife, she's already becoming more and more compliant. Can't you all be as easy as her?"

His words dug, as I dug my nails into my hand, producing blood.

We were excused from the table, and Eris grabbed my arm firmly, to take me back to my room. Once we were out of earshot from his parents, his brothers, and his servants, he turned to me, "I thought you'd at least challenge my father. Where is Carina?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "I am Carina—"

Eris interrupted me. "Cut with the lies. Carina died, when we all thought she did. You're merely a shadow of her."

His words were the final nails in my coffin. I slammed the door on him, and gave him the silent treatment for a whole week.

I think it was more punishment to myself, because I grew to be as lonely as I was trapped in that blasted mirror.

A few days later, a knock came on the door, and I was whisked away to a dressing room.

The Lady of the Autumn court circled me like a vulture, trying to figure out the perfect dress for the ball. I could've done this on my own, but it was under Beron's orders.

I wanted to laugh at the dress I was wearing, and then cast it into the fireplace. It was orange, and frilly, and everything I hated in a dress.

"Carina, orange does nothing for you dear." The Lady said, and for once, I agreed.

"Your majesty, I think I would look better in-"

"Hestia." She interrupted.

She caught me so off guard with her words, I had to double check, "What?"

"My name is Hestia." She answered simply.

I started once more, "Lady Hestia—"

"Please, just call me by my name. I am Eris' mother, and your soon to be mother in law."

thoughts of her mom

"Alright, Hestia."
winning smile

"Do I have to wear Autumn Court colors?" I almost pleaded with her, I looked good in Night Court colors, and that's what I wanted to wear to my betrothal ball.

"The High Lord wants you to. It'll make us look strong." She added, but I did not mistake her formality in addressing her husband. She changed the subject, "Do you want to try on some reds?"

I sighed, "I'd be okay with that."

Hestia nodded, "It'll look good with your hair, but your eyes might offset it."

"I'll have to get used to it for the rest of my life, I suppose." I looked at Hestia, who had a small smile on her face. I instantly corrected myself, "I don't mean to make your court sound dreadful, but—"

Hestia waves a hand at me to stop my apologetic rant. "Don't. You aren't here willingly. I was like you once." She revealed.

"You were?" I asked.

She nodded, and recalled, "It was an arranged marriage. My family comes from strong fire users, and Beron coveted that power for his line. While some of my son's power come from being the descendant of a High Lord, my heritage helps."

"Were you a fire user?" I asked her.

A smile crosses her face, "Once upon a time." Hestia she said clipped. Weakened. "Now, we'll focus on your dress. How about a red and black dress?"

I gave it some thought, "It depends."

"I heard from Eris you can enchant the fabric really well." Hestia mentioned.

A puzzled look crossed my face, "Eris told you that?

Hestia nods. "What if we found you a black dress, but spelled it to look as it was aflame? As a homage to your old home and new one."

New one. I didn't want to be stuck here.

Slowly, I say, "That could work."

Hestia smile, "Then we'd better get started."

I spent the rest of the week with the Lady of Autumn. She was serious and composed most of the time, but I got a laugh or two out of her. I'm afraid she found out more about me, than I found out about her, but it was nice to have someone to talk to.

Hestia was practiced. The glimpses I saw were of her old self, were few, but I loved it. It brought me anger that Beron had trained her out of it.

I could consider her the closest thing to a friend in the Autumn Court.

But ultimately, I knew where her loyalty lay.

For the sake of her sons.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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