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Carina's POV

I awoke in the morning, not from being well rested, but at the dryness of my throat.

I threw off the covers of the bed, and cringed at the red color. Mor must've... and then I remembered where I was.

The Autumn Court.

I tested the magical barriers I placed over the room. They were strong, and untouched.

In other words: safe.

I wanted to lie in bed all day, and never come out, but I knew someone would come along to collect me.

I threw off the thick comforter, and made my way to the vanity.

I barely recognized the Fae in front of me.

My makeup had been smeared into all different directions, and the kohl made it look like I was crying black ink.

I wiped it away with a simple charm, and I turned back into the Fae I had always been. Half-Fae, half-Illyrian, anyways.

I plucked the silver jewelry off of my body, placing it into a drawer, where I'd forget about it later.

I slipped off the fabrics gracing my body, a sorry excuse for a dress. It was beautiful, and made me look lethal, but it was the part I played in the Court of Nightmares. It wasn't me.

The Autumn air nipped at my uncovered skin, erupting gooseflesh about it.

I softly padded over to the wardrobe, which was filled with hues of red, orange, and yellows, and all things frilly.

I'd rather die than dress in one of these.

I flipped towards the other side of the closet, where evening gowns were traded for nightgowns.

Even the sleep wear here seemed... old fashioned.

I selected a dress, only to find that it went all the way down to the ground, not leaving the chance for skin to be seen.

For being a corrupt court, they do hide their lies with modesty.

A knock at the door interrupts me from my spiraling thoughts. I ignored it, until a voice called out, "Carina?"

It was Eris.

I didn't bother answering him, I didn't want to see him for the rest of immortality.

"Come on Carina, it's time for breakfast. Beron invites your attendance." He speaks loudly through the door.

I open the door, not caring he was seeing me in my black undergarments. I laugh, "Invites?"

"Commands." Eris corrects himself, trying to keep eye contact with me.

I sigh airily, "Does he also command when the sun rises?"

Eris chastises me, "Carina. If I'm to keep my promises to your brother, you need to stay in one piece. Mocking my father will not do that."

I shrug, "I don't have anything to wear."

"Your wardrobe is filled with dresses." He deadpans.

"That your great aunt wore. This is ridiculous." I motion towards them.

He barked a laugh. "That's what's taking so long?" Eris rips through the magic. He then picks the lock and walks in, but not without taking a quick look at me first. I roll my eyes.

"My eyes are up here," I pointed, not bothering to cover myself. I wasn't embarrassed of my body, nor was I a modest creature. I was from the Night Court.

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