"you two need to talk" he said as him and Pope left

"Heyward i'm gonna kill you" I yelled walking straight past JJ and to the door. I rattled at the doorknob but it wouldn't budge "did you seriously lock us in here?!"

"you can come on out when you two have worked stuff out" Pope yelled through the door

"Pope come on this is bullshit, open the door" I yelled kicking it hard

"you break my door you pay for it Jo" Heyward shouted back "this is an intervention and you two need to talk"

"Heyward!......Heyward seriously this isn't funny" I yelled still trying to open the door

"i think they left" JJ said quietly

"don't you fucking speak to me" I said giving one final punch at the door and when i wasn't told off for doing so i knew they had left.....great. I walked back over and threw myself down on Popes bed letting out a long sigh. JJ just stood awkwardly at the other side of the room, the two of us not speaking while he tugged awkwardly at the back of his neck

"you reek of alcohol" I said finally breaking the silence 

"oh um...yea, i uh.....sorry" he awkwardly replied causing another long silence

"why are you here JJ" I said breaking the silence once again

"I'm still working out how to word it"

"then why come here? Why come if you don't even know what to say. Actually i'll say it. You're cheating on me and you think-"

"I'm not cheating on you" he replied simply cutting me off

"oh wow....that's all you could come up with. JJ i know what i saw" I said rolling my eyes

"no, i know what you think you saw but what you actually saw isn't what you think you saw, even though i know what you saw but what you saw isn't actually what you saw"

"what?" i said trying to work out what he was trying to say "words JJ, use your words....and less of them please....you're giving me a migraine already" 

"Look Jo" he said walking over and sitting next to me "I know what you think you saw. But I was out fixing Kie's car and I couldn't find anything wrong with it so i just leant against the car to explain to her that nothing was wrong"


"so then she walked up to me....real close....and i was like, Jo would kill you if she knew what you were doing right now and she was all like, oh yea and what am I doing"

"you're not helping your case"

"let me finish. So i told her to back up cause  you've beat her once in a fight before and i laughed at the thought of it and then she was like, oh you've got something in your hair and pushed it back then out of nowhere she says, oh JayJ you're so funny and was all up in my face and right as I was about to tell her to fuck off you interrupted"

"oh i'm ever so sorry I interrupted your little moment with Kie"

"no Jo, you're not listening to what i'm saying"

"oh sure gaslight me some more why don't you"

"Jo would you just listen to me" He snapped standing up and taking his hat off "I went to push her off, i did, i swear. You came out before I could. Ok? She came on to me"

"and you just stood there doing nothing about it"


"DON'T FUCKING YELL AT ME" I screamed back lifting a glass off Popes bedside table and throwing it at him

The Summer is ours// JJ MaybankDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora