xvii. anything for you.

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chapter seventeen . . . anything for you.

real life!

"WELCOME HOME." JD smiled with a beatific expression, pushing the door open to his moderately sizeable house.

"For now." Avalon added on with her lips ticked into a grin of her own. She stepped inside, bags dangling from her shoulders and a suitcase dragging behind her. She took a gaze around the entryway which was freely connected to the living room and kitchen. The walls were all a pale blue color, the walls adorned with many framed items and posters of sorts. It felt like one big bedroom in a cool way. "Thank you though, I really appreciate it."

"Anything for you, madame." He bowed his head playfully, stepping in behind her and shutting the door. He took the suitcase from her hand and dragged it down the secluded hallway towards the bedrooms. He pushed the farthest door on the right side open which revealed a small room with plain white walls and a twin sized bed in the corner, "It's not much sorry, but you can do whatever you'd like with it."

"It's great, thank you." She followed him inside and set the bags on her shoulders onto the bed. JD placed Papaya on the bed as well, who he'd been carrying since they arrived. "Besides, I won't be here long."

"Don't feel like you need to get out as soon as possible." JD shook his head, leaning on the framework of the doorway, "It'll be nice to have you around for a while."

Avalon couldn't help but smile, "I'll still be looking for an apartment day and night."

Jonathan rolled his eyes, but his lips tugged upward deeming the humor behind the gesture, "I'll leave you to unpack." He backed away and shut the door softly, the room elapsing to silence with the click of the handle.

Avalon fell back onto the bed, arms spread out at her sides. Papaya crawled onto her stomach and curled up into a ball, enjoying the feeling of her nails dragging along his fur. A sigh dragged away from her brown-tinted lips.

She decided unpacking would be an issue for later her, therefore deciding to take a nap for the time being. She was awoken by a knock at her bedroom door a little over an hour later, "Come in." She replied, trying to rid of the grogginess in her voice.

"Hey." JD greeted as the door creaked opened, "I was wondering you wanted to get food, or something."

"Yeah, sure." She responded, "I'm just gonna get changed so I don't go out looking like a piece of shit."

"Valid." JD shrugged, "I'll meet you in the car."

. . .

"PANERA DOES NO WRONG." Avalon hummed, taking a bite of her grilled cheese. They sat in the farthest corner in the back of the building just a couple of feet away from the drink machine so they could refill before they left, "So, are we going to the beach after this?"

"Yeah, as long as you want to." Jonathan nodded, taking a sip of his Coca Cola. Avalon hummed before pursing her lips, gazing around the restaurant.

Everything seemed so surreal now, she'd never expect to end up in Los Angeles in the middle of summer, sharing a house with her best friend who she just so happens to like like...it was perfect.

"Sorry if I'm overstepping or something," JD started, "but are you making any new music anytime soon?"

Avalon couldn't help but smile, "If I say yes, do you promise not to tell anyone?"

"I promise." He sealed his lips with his fingers, pretending to toss a key over his shoulder.

"Well then, yes, yes I am."

. . .

"I love sunsets." Avalon leaned back onto her palms, the thick grey bedsheet shifting below her fingers. "All the colors and shit, ya know?"

"I think your description was a little underwhelming, but yeah, I know." JD followed her actions, leaning into his palms as one laid gently over her own.

The delicate waves lapped against the shore as the wind smelt of sea salt and blew across their skin, leaving an array of goosebumps along the flesh. It was silent, but like usual, it was never an awakened silence. It was a comforting silence. But Avalon's favorite thing right now was the sound of live music muffled from a beachside bar by the boardwalk.

"Val?" She hummed in response, "I think they're playing Question!"

Avalon sat up a little taller at his revelation when she realized that he was right, they were playing Question!

"It seems as though we are always brought together by System of a Down." Avalon laughed slightly, glancing over her shoulder at the group of what seemed five people playing the music. As she turned back around, she laid her head on his shoulder which was adorned with a button up tee. He glanced back down at her for a second, allowing the grin to upturn his lips before her turned back to the crashing waves.

. . .


📍 Los Angeles

♡ 57, 962 - ✎ 301avalonupdatesssssss avalon and jd spotted at the beach today! •

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

♡ 57, 962 - ✎ 301
avalonupdatesssssss avalon and jd spotted at the beach today!

userone they are the cutest omg

usertwo when's it gonna be my turn.

userthree i'm so single wtf

userfour are they together? like actually
userfive no clue
usersix i rly hope so
↳ ↳ userseven ik they're literally meant to be


. . .

AUTHOR'S NOTE ## finally updated this hoe ass book

system of a down | jonathan davissजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें