Chapter 2: Chaos and Kidnapping

Start from the beginning

"You're just scared," Sophie huffed.

"Right," Agatha laughed. "And why would we be scared?"

"Because you both know one of you is coming with me."

The two girls stopped laughing and looked between Sophie and each other. Agatha moved her eyes away from Y/n and looked into the square. The villagers were staring at them like the solution to a mystery. Good in pink, Evil in black. The School Master's perfect pair.

While Agatha certainly fit the role of an Evil student just by her appearance, Sophie seemed to think Y/n fit the role as well from her personality. Y/n wasn't as sweet and generous as Sophie but she didn't have a negative attitude as Agatha did. This confused Y/n that her friend believed this while everyone in the village suspected her or Sophie as one of the next Good victims.

Frozen still, Agatha watched dozens of scared eyes bore into her. Her first thought was that after tomorrow she and Sophie could take their walks in peace. Next to her, Sophie watched children memorize her face in case it appeared in their storybooks one day. Her first thought was whether they looked at Belle the same way.

Then, through the crowd, they saw her.

Head shaved, dress filthy, Belle kneeled in the dirt, frantically muddying her own face. Belle was just like the others. She wanted a simple marriage to a man who would grow fat, lazy, and demanding. She wanted many days of cooking, cleaning, and sewing. She wanted to shovel

dung and milk sheep and slaughter squealing pigs. She wanted to rot in Gavaldon until her skin was liver-spotted and her teeth fell out. She was like every other girl in Gavaldon. Everyone except Agatha, Sophie, and Y/n, for each of them, wanted something different.

Sophie wanted to finally become a princess and meet her prince, living happily ever after for the rest of her life. Agatha simply wanted Sophie and Y/n to be happy for the rest of their lives it didn't matter what it took. And Y/n, well, she wanted something both girls wanted. Y/n wanted to find her one true love. Someone who would care for her and love everything about her. Her stubbornness, her independents, her sarcasm, everything. She wanted to be truly happy. She wanted this not only for herself but for her dear friends Agatha and Sophie. She would do whatever it took for them to be happy, even if it meant putting their happiness before hers.

"Let's go," said Agatha, snapping Y/n out of her thoughts.

The girls turned to look at Agatha. Her eyes were locked on the mob.


"Away from people."


As the sun slowly began to set, three girls sat side by side on the shore of a lake. Sophie packed cucumbers in a silk pouch, Agatha flicked lit matches into the water, and Y/n stared off into the distance, lost in her own thoughts.

"Why would someone like Belle want to stay here? Who would choose this over a fairy tale?" Sophie said, trying to make room for the last cucumber.

"And who would choose to leave their family forever?" Agatha responded.

"Except me, you mean," Sophie said.

The girls went silent.

"Do you guys ever wonder what life would've been like if all of our parents were here?" Sophie asked. "Like if Y/n didn't lose her parents, I didn't lose my mom, and Agatha's dad didn't leave."

"Sometimes the thought crosses my mind but I don't ponder on it," Y/n said, glancing at the blonde-haired girl.

"Do you ever wonder where your father went?" Sophie asked Agatha.

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