Chapter 15: This is your savior speaking

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Snow-white ran until she was near the runway. She ducked down and used her binoculars to see if luck was on her side, praying that a plane was still intact.
Whilst looking, she potted them, Maverick and Rooster. They were in what looked like an F-14. It was old.
She could have easily run to them, but there was no way all three of them could get home in an aircraft and she also knew that if they knew she was there they'd give up their chance just to stick with her. At least Rooster would.
She had to find another way or die trying.

"How the hell are you gonna fly that fossil?" She whispered to Maverick, knowing well that he wouldn't hear it.
She directed her gaze towards the end of the runway and saw two buildings. The runway was short, but Maverick could probably make it. That man was a cockroach. Nothing kills him.
"Come on, Mav. You got this!" She whispered to him again, pointlessly.

The plane sped up, and she held her breath. They took off and flew away just above the towers.
"YES! You did it!" Snow-White cheered.
Now, it was time for her to find a way home.
Her chances of finding an aircraft were slim but that doesn't mean it was impossible.
She walked into the base, acting like she knew the place. Looking for a plane or some form of transport, preferably with a radio. She assessed the damage of the Tomahawks and noticed a pattern. The main impact point was towards the start of the runway, the far end of it looked much cleaner and less damaged compared to it. That's where she was going to go.
She looked at every hangar, every corner, into the smoke and there it was, in the very last Hangar, an F-18, seemingly untouched by the Tomahawks.
Snow-white was glued to the spot, staring at the aircraft in front of her. She couldn't believe her luck. Finding one plane was lucky enough, but two of them were a miracle. Another miracle.
She got ready, jumped on the plane, and turned on the engine. It was working.

She positioned herself onto the runway.
"Ok, Em. Yes, this is a taxi way... a very short taxi way. But if Mav can do it, so can you."
There was barely enough space to take off, but with the right speed, she figured she could make it work.
She accelerated and sped down the runway. It was going fast, and the crater was getting closer.
"Now or never!" She exclaimed while pulling up.
To her surprise, the plane took off.
"YES! Alright." She started flying in the direction of the carrier.
Snow checked her ESAT, but it wouldn't work. Radio was also dead, causing her to sigh.
Just then, a plane flew past her at a very high speed. It seemed to be those fitfth-gen Maverick warned them about.
"This can't be good." She followed it, trying not to do anything suspicious since they hadn't seemed to notice her.
Then two more came, but this time, one of them stopped right next to her.
"Of course you had to stop." She looked over to him and waved. He signed something.
"What the hell are you saying, dude?" She whispered, keeping her cool, waving at him.
He moved back towards his wingman.
"And here we go again!" She sighed and got ready to fight the two pilots.
"Ok, Em. It's the pilot, not the plane. You got this."
The dogfight began. Snow-white started shooting at one of the two planes, and it went down immediately. His wingman was now on her tail.
She sped up, moving the aircraft with no pattern because right now, unpredictability was her only advantage. She didn't know the way that pilot flew but neither did he know her way. She flew up and he followed, she swerved and so did he. It was like he was mirroring her. He started firing at her. She tried to dodge but it hit her plane a couple of times.
She flew down towards the trees below her. The river would give her space to fly by, and the terrain would confuse the targeting system, giving her a better chance of survival.
She flew as fast as she could. She was so focused on not crashing against mountains that she had failed to notice that the enemy wasn't following her.
She couldn't see where he was, and that was the worst part.
"Come on, son of a bitch! Where are you?"
He not only had a better jet, but he knew the terrain, an advantage that she did not have.
She kept flying forward, paranoid about her attacker's next move but nothing had happened. The pilot had gone else where. But where? Why?

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