Chapter One

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Chuck sat at the lunch table of Derma high. The bustle of noise-y kids, and air vents filled his ears. His friend Tug looked at him "You haven't eaten anything today" He said his tuna sandwich in his mouth, "Everything okay".

"Yeah though I am not hungry," Chuck looked down hiding his mouth. Truth was Chuck was bullied by guys who force him to eat expired food from the garbage. Those same boys called him Muck as a insult. Tug sighed and looked at his friend with concern. "Did Arvin, Kol, and Jim bully you again?" Chuck groaned as the expired ice cream churned in his stomach. Tug grabbed him "Charlie you okay" Chuck had almost forgot his real name before now. He farted and blushed as he grew in size to almost 400lbs of blubbery fat. Tug looked confused and worried kids started to laugh and point as more farts escaped Chuck. Arvin sneered at him "Looks like Muck is a FAT FUCK." His friends chanted it along with him.

Chuck ran out crying and farting as more weight and gunk spread on him. He didn't run home though. No he ran to the dump.

MUCK: the slob of the dumpWhere stories live. Discover now