23. When It Breaks, It Floods

Start from the beginning

 "The CS squad will comb through our team today. Make sure to keep your hands off of any of the electronics in the office or your own until they come." With a curt command, the team head slid the glass door shut.

After a moment of Soobin and Haechan exchanging looks, the Section Manager clapped his hands and urged, earning several groans and grumbles.

 "You heard him, guys. Let's back it up from your workstations and gather round in the back while we wait."

Taehyun and Kai's sighs coincided as they migrated to the pantry along with nine others.


12:30 p.m.

Even to Taehyun, the dark-uniformed staff from Cybersecurity Department were borderline intimidating. Then to chickenhearted employees, he could only bet on their luck for them not to blurt out admissions even if they were completely innocent.

 Huening Kai exhaled heavily for the nth time. "Should we be relieved that no one among us were suspected? Or fear the wrath of the execs for finding nothing?"

 "Both, Hyuka. Both." Taehyun said, his gaze stuck on the noirette's back who was talking to the squad leader and another unknown man who wasn't part of the search in the hallways.

Though Taehyun himself could endure the pain of an empty stomach, others' complaints for stealing a great portion from their precious lunch time started to gnaw on his patience.

 What is taking him so long?

Just then, Beomgyu stroded in, austerity still painted on his fetching face.

 "All of you are free to go. Intern Kang, come with me."

Taehyun didn't doubt that on their way to the 5th floor, his coworkers would be whispering all sorts of assumptions, especially when he was summoned right after the chaos.

Both the subordinate and the chief did not notice the quiet snicker that blended so well and dispersed within the chattering group.

When the two of them passed Intersection 2, Beomgyu came to a stop and turned to the brunet with a look devoid of characteristic evil.

 "Did you stay behind last Saturday for overtime?"

 "No, sir. I clocked out together with Deputy Choi at about five minutes before six that day."

Replying confidently, Taehyun, in the back of his mind, celebrated his extra caution that had not gone in vain. He knew Choi would keep a close eye on him - it wasn't a threat for nothing. Even before that, Taehyun had been smart enough to be always on the lookout for being used as a scapegoat.

One can never be too careful, particularly if they're at the bottom of the food chain.

Taehyun's eyes almost squinted in a futile attempt to fathom the subtext behind the impenetrable eyes that gave little away.

Beomgyu turned to the front again to proceed with walking, no further questions were asked.

Taehyun must admit at that precise moment, though begrudgingly, that the other man's control in his countenance was one level better than his. If it were him, rage would be spilling all over the brim.

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