Phoebe's POV

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Hi! My name is Phoebe Calico Poké-San. My family is a hybrid of the elf, fairy, and Poké species I had a genetic mutation and instead of half-elf I was born half-cat so i don't have the tall pointy ears like the rest of my family. My half-Poké is a Fire Type Blaziken. I have longs black hair till my waist  and a small cat tail. My wings have black tips like a Pikachu as my Dad's Poké is an Electric Type Charazard and I have short and pointy cay ears. I am THAT SASSY GIRL. I'm also pretty smart and witty but I keep that in the back of my pocket for the right moments. I act like I'm not close to my brother but he's always been there for me during though times. I'm also pretty adventurous  so I'll happily go on an adventure with my bro Evan whenever he wants.

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