Chapter 2: Prank gone wrong

Start from the beginning

She was still heavily breathing, questioning the last few moments of her life. She's out here saying I like you to random people.

Elsa's eyes then go to Rapunzel who was looking back at her from the front seat while laughing ever since Elsa jumped in. "I'll get back at you." Elsa gritted her teeth.

Rapunzel gave a last laugh away and sat properly onto her seat. "The man was handsome right." Rapunzel said to Elsa without looking at her. Elsa rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Few days later...

"See you tomorrow, then." Rapunzel sighs. "Yeah, tomorrow, same people, same school, same stupid shit." Elsa said.All the three girls sighed. "Bye." Elsa said again.

The three of them waved each other goodbye at the school gate and separated ways for home. Merida and Rapunzel went to one direction, while Elsa went to the other.

Elsa went through her usual path, which was quiet and not the main road. Just when suddenly a black van rushed from behind and stopped right in front of her.

On sensing danger, Elsa tried to back off by running towards the back but another van came in no time, trapping Elsa in that narrow road.

Before Elsa could even figure out what was happening, some men came out of one of the vans and placed a handkerchief on her face covering her nose and mouth.

Elsa lost her consciousness. She passed out. She was being kidnapped.

A few hours later.....

Elsa wakes up and finds herself in a rocking chair. She holds her head, trying to recall what happened earlier. She realizes, she's kidnapped.

She then looks at the surroundings. A dark room, with dim light coming from the lamp. Elsa scans the room until she sees a dark figure in the room.

Elsa notices that she isn't tied or anything. She chooses to fight that figure in the darkness, in order to escape. But then the figure walks towards her, revealing itself.

It comes closer.

It's a man.

It comes closer.

Elsa looks at that face with a lot of confusion when she sees the face of the man.

And who was it?

Well someone, Elsa didn't expect at all. She thought it might be some past enemies of her or her family but it was not but infact it was someone else.

Oh who was it?

Well, Elsa didn't know lol.

It was the first time Elsa had seen that face. The man examined Elsa. As if to make sure she's okay and conscious now. Elsa was ready to fight this unknown man.

But then she notices a knife in one of his hands and a gun in it's holster. So, Elsa decided not to fight. The man seemed dangerous and she didn't want to risk her life, not everyone hates their life like most of you.

The man after examining Elsa, takes his phone out and dials some number and then takes the phone to his ear, still with his eyes focused on Elsa as if to make sure she ain't doing something to escape.

Elsa was just glaring at the man thinking about her next move when she gets the chance.

"Yes, she's awake. Yeah. Just now. Okay." The man says those words into the phone before keeping it back to his pocket.

The man then takes his gun out and points it at Elsa. Elsa gasps and stands up ready to attack him as she felt he might shoot her.

"Sit down. Still and silent and you won't be harmed." The man said, tightening his grip. Elsa hesitated for a moment, but did as she was told to.

The atmosphere was heavy. A man pointing gun at Elsa while she's sweating nervously, not knowing what to do. This went for a few minutes until the door of the room opened.

The man didn't flinch but Elsa did. She then looked at the door to see who it was and her eyes went wide to see it was that man.

"Ayy, stop scaring her~ Go, wait outside. I want some privacy." The man walked up to Elsa calmly. The man holding the gun nodded and followed the orders.

"Look! I told you I'm sorry, it was just a silly prank, what is up with all these-" Elsa spoke but the man lowered himself to match her level and placed a finger on her lips.

She swallowed her saliva as she grew nervous. The man she played the prank on looked like any other man but now he did not. Now he was looking dangerous.

"Shhhh. You speak so much." The man gently caressed Elsa's cheeks. Elsa held onto the chair, getting rather uncomfortable.

Seeing Elsa uncomfortable because of his touch, the man scoffed to himself and pulled back his hand. Elsa fixed herself.

"You don't have to be sorry for that prank. Instead, now that I've laid my eyes on you... I like you. And once I hold onto something." The man chuckled darkly. "I ain't letting it go."

"Haha, you're kidding, right? This is some prank for revenge haha so funny, this ain't real, right? RIGHT?" Elsa tried to convince herself.

The man just smiled. "You're cute." He patted her head.

'I'm doomed.'

That's all Elsa had in her mind.

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