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Takemitchy opens his eyes, and reached out his hands above. Realizing it is only a dream, and he is back from the future once again.

After the fight between Moebius and Toman, and getting pah-chin arrested, Mikey and Draken seems to have a Conflict between each other and not talking to each other anytime soon.

Tho that changed when Draken visited Takemitchy from his house, and Mikey suddenly appearing, making them fight infront of Takemitchy's house, throwing each other Takemitchy's things.

And so after that, the conflict is solved without a doubt. They laughed at Takemitchy's hair because it had poo on it.

Before Takemitchy finally time leaps to the future Mikey said something that makes Takemitchy wants to save him, until they got their own happy ending.

"Takemitchy, I want things to be always like this, where we can laugh freely and be together with Toman."

Mikey finished it with a smile, the wind blowing his hair. Takemitchy can definitely tell that Mikey is not the bad guy that Naoto said he was.

The Mikey infront of him is gentle, and caring for his members that he considered as his family.

This is the Mikey that Toman knows, the Mikey that created and build Toman, the Mikey they admire for being strong for others.

Takemitchy didn't know that the Mikey he knows will change so much within a short period of time. From being strong to protect others to strong to kill others.

Takemitchy only knew about the current Mikey through Hinata's younger brother, Naoto after he returned from the future.



screaming from that, Takemitchy can hear his heart beating loudly, sitting up he slowly adjusted to his surroundings, knowing that he's in his room.

Massaging his temples with his fingers Takemitchy suddenly heard the door open, revealing Naoto with 2 mugs of coffee in his hands.

Approaching Takemitchy Naoto sits beside him by the desk and pass Takemitchy the coffee that he brew. Taking a sip from his coffee, Naoto suddenly starts speaking.

"oh, so you're awake"

"Naoto, I need to see Mikey-kun"

Naoto sighs and took the remote of the television, turning it on and look at Takemitchi. Turning it into a channel where there is a daily life update what is happening around Tokyo.

"let me get this straight Takemitchi, the Mikey you know is longer here, he's gone."

Takemitchi looks at the television and saw the news with the reporter talking.

"Bonten strikes again, a 35 years old man is doing dead in the alleyway near the abandoned garage. it is a fact that bonten did it due to the fact that they left their mark in the neck of the victim, the gang symbol carved out."

"we are still looking for the leader also known as Manjiro Sano, but until now there is no lead, back to you Mel Santiago"

Takemitchi's eyes widen and he let out a gasp, he couldn't believe what he saw on the screen of the tv. He look down and tightens his fist.

He failed to change the future, why??... He shook all his negative thoughts and look at Naoto.

"I need to save mikey-kun"

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