Part 4

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//Trigger Warning - mentions of violence, abuse, child pornography, exploitation, and cancer.//

//It won't be incredibly detailed, but I will put a TW Start, and TW End at the beginning and end of the character mentioning it for those who want to skip it.//

At last, the school day was over and done with, and everyone packed up their stuff to head to the home of Benjamin and Thomas. Their home is an animation studio that makes cartoons, in fact. Benjamin and Thomas used to be on a children's show that their biological father, Joseph Mcknight, created. Their caretaker, Henry Stein, (whom they refer to as their actual father, hence the reason they use the same last name as him rather than Joseph's) used to actually be one of the animators there.

When they arrive, Benjamin unlocks the glass doors with a pair of keys that was attached to his backpack.  The group enters and heads to the breakroom where they all usually hang out and do homework. They didn't have many assignments, just some worksheets that they didn't finish in class. Some had math, some had english, some had science. They quietly chat and joke amongst themselves for a while, Enji stays silent as usual. 

Two girls, Alice and Allison suddenly walk in the breakroom. Benjamin looks up and rolls his eyes when he sees Alice. 

Alice has curly black hair that goes down just below her collarbone, black eyes, and pale skin with a few freckles. She is the child who was cast by Joseph to be Benjamin's love interest on the show when they were still filming. Her parents had left her on the doorstep of the studio, and Joey had taken her in, but made it clear that she wasn't his daughter. So she did not grow up with Benjamin and Thomas as 'siblings'. In fact, Alice and Benjamin were constantly fighting and bickering over the smallest things. Her quirk is the same as Benjamin's surprisingly, except her ink has a golden shine to it that Benjamin's does not have, but she cannot teleport, nor summon ink creatures like Benjamin can. 

Allison, who was a few inches taller than Alice, (but still a bit shorter than Thomas) has straight, dark brown hair, with matching dark brown eyes, and slightly tan skin (which was barely noticeable unless compared to Alice's pale skin.) She was kidnapped by Joseph when she was 3 since he wanted her to act as well. She doesn't remember this and has assumed that she was 'adopted' like Alice was. Her quirk is called Transparency. She can turn transparent almost to the point of complete invisibility, however, her body parts are thinly outlined the color yellow that has a slight brownish greenish tint when her quirk is activated. Her facial features are outlined too. 

"What do you want, Alice?" Benjamin asks in an annoyed tone. "I'm just letting you know that our friends are coming over." She says. "Okay? Just keep them away from here. It's a boys only zone." He responded with an eye roll. She scoffs and walks away. "Whatever." She says, Allison following her silently, as she was more of a quiet type. 

Once they left, they hear the glass doors open and bells chiming from a few hallways down, meaning that the other girls had arrived. They hear them all talking happily and walking over to Alice's room, shutting the door behind them.

Toshinori and Masaru were the last ones to finish their homework. Toshi looks at Masaru for confirmation, to which Masaru gave a nod. "Hey guys.." Toshi says, causing the others to turn their attention to him, all but Enji, who didn't seem to care at all. "You wanna about stuff, like life.. during summer we barely got to hang out, so I figured we could catch up." He says. Masaru then chimed in. "Yeah I agree." He says and the others seemed to be on board. "Enji?" Thomas spoke so everyone get confirmation from the firey red head. "Do what you want." Enji grunts in response. 

Everyone looked at each other with concerned glances, then shrug. "I mean...a couple of things came up for me recently, but you all have to promise not to tell anybody." Hizashi says, volunteering to start off. "Sure man, you can tell us anything." Oboro says as he leans back in his chair, ears open and listening as well as the others. 

Enji Todoroki - "I'm sorry."Where stories live. Discover now