Following the gesture and the whispered words, Lady Freda of Orchis took her turn, then Lady Amaryllis of Paeonia. One after another, lords and ladies offered solemn prayers, moving Cin to tears. Their belief in her and her contributions to the court resonated deeply. She was one with them, a member of the People, holding the High Lord's attentive ear. Her efforts had salvaged Tamlin from ruin and guided the court back to its former glory.

"I will not fail you," Cin pledged, determination surging to her core. Her commitment to her people had never been more unwavering. Through her, Tamlin was tethered to the court's Fae. Together with the support of the village heads, Spring's resurgence was within reach.

With a throat still tingling from emotion, Cin cleared it and opened her notebook, wiping away lingering tears. "Now, let's turn to our matters. Village updates? Who would like to begin?"

Lord Hawthorne of Calla cleared his throat, capturing everyone's attention, just as Nienna returned bearing a tray. "The construction on the Oasis is now complete."

Around the table, a chorus of groans and eye rolls erupted. Cin offered a soft expression of gratitude to Nienna as the maid positioned a quill and inkpot within easy reach of Cin's left hand. The glass of steaming chrysanthemum tea was poured into a crystal cup. Nienna settled the kettle beside the cup and positioned herself near the door, assuming a role that seemed to have evolved into a kind of lady's maid for Cin.

Be it luck or by design, Nienna always seemed to be close by when Cin needed her.

Lord Hawthorne stood tall and slender, his pointed ears sharper than any other fae in the room. His skin bore a pale green hue, his flowing hair mirroring the shade of fresh grass, and his eyes gleamed in a bright blue hue. Yet, his allure held no sway today. Cin remained unimpressed.

"Lord Hawthorne, the Spring Court remains closed to visitors at present," she stated deliberately. He incessantly raised the matter of the Oasis in every meeting, a point of contention for both Tamlin and Cin. They deemed it inappropriate to divert resources to construct a spa while pressing matters demanded attention. "Unless, of course, you've decided to cover the visitor toll, host them within your own home, and meticulously track their movements?"

"My Lady, Calla requires the attention. We need the visibility," Hawthorne countered.

"Do our villages not, Hawthorne?" Lady Amaryllis chimed in, her soft brown eyes rolling expressively. Undoubtedly the most captivating woman present, her long hair cascaded like golden sunlight on water, complementing her supple honey-hued skin. She consistently adorned herself in silks, a nod to Paeonia's textile expertise and inherent glamour.

"If Calla requires visibility, then market your Oasis to the other villages," Cin interjected, quelling the potential escalation of the argument. She understood Lord Hawthorne's unwavering determination. "None of the fae in Spring have the funds for an indulgence at a luxury spa," he retorted, a click of his tongue emphasizing his frustration before he emptied his mead cup.

Cin's gaze turned toward Lord Bryony of Monarda, an agile and wiry fae, whose sparkling emerald eyes were already fixed on her. Unlike Lord Hawthorne, Lord Bryony possessed skin akin to a fresh apple and had black hair and lips. He held a polished wood and gem-studded cane between his knees, giving Cin an unmistakable shake of his head.

"Lord Hawthorne," Cin began, marking 'Not enough skilled sentries' in her notebook, "though we maintain stability, Spring lacks the necessary trained sentries. Should you desire to welcome visitors, a fee to the High Lord's coffers and a meticulously detailed report of their movements must be submitted. Otherwise, risk forfeiture of your title and a fortnight in the High Lord's cells alongside your guests. We shall open our gates when prepared, and not a moment sooner."

Dreams of Spring (Tamlin x Hyacinth Novella)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα